CHAPTER 1. GENERAL INFORMATION, EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION, AND THEORY OF OPERATIONFIELD MAINTENANCEPREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTWARRANTY INFORMATION Table 1. List of Abbreviations/Acronyms.Table 1. - List of Abbreviations/Acronyms - Continued.Table 1. - List of Abbreviations/Acronyms - Continued.EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATAFigure 1. Location and Description of Major Components.Table 1. Location and Description of Major Components - Continued.Table 3. General.Table 5. Refill Capacities.Table 7. Vibratory System.THEORY OF OPERATIONENGINE SYSTEMFigure 1. Engine System.FUEL SYSTEMFigure 2. Fuel System.COOLING SYSTEMFigure 3. Cooling System.ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFigure 4. Electrical System.ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - ContinuedELECTRICAL SYSTEM - ContinuedPROPEL SYSTEMFigure 6. Propel System.HYDRAULIC STEERING SYSTEMFigure 7. Hydraulic Steering System.VIBRATORY SYSTEMFigure 8. Vibratory System.WATER SPRAY SYSTEMFigure 9. Water Spray System.CHAPTER 2. TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESTROUBLESHOOTING INTRODUCTIONEXPLANATION OF TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESFigure 1. Electrical Schematic. (Page 1 of 6)Figure 2. Electrical Schematic. (Page 2 of 6)Figure 3. Electrical Schematic. (Page 3 of 6)Figure 4. Electrical Schematic. (Page 4 of 6)Figure 5. Electrical Schematic. (Page 5 of 6)Figure 6. Electrical Schematic. (Page 6 of 6)TROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEXTROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEX - ContinuedTROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOM INDEX - ContinuedCOOLANT IN ENGINE OIL/ENGINE OIL IN COOLANTTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURETROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE - ContinuedENGINE CRANKS BUT WILL NOT START OR IS HARD TO STARTENGINE CRANKS BUT WILL NOT START OR IS HARD TO START - ContinuedFigure 1. Fuel Shutoff Valves.ENGINE CRANKS BUT WILL NOT START OR IS HARD TO START - ContinuedFigure 2. Fuel Filter Drain Valve.Figure 3. Fuel Lines.Figure 4. Fuel Lift Pump.ENGINE CRANKS BUT WILL NOT START OR IS HARD TO START - ContinuedFigure 5. Engine Cold Start Heater.ENGINE CRANKS BUT WILL NOT START OR IS HARD TO START - ContinuedFigure 6. Engine Cold Start Heater.Figure 7. Engine Cold Start Heater.Figure 8. Engine Cold Start Heater.ENGINE EXHAUST SMOKES EXCESSIVELY (BLACK OR GRAY SMOKE)ENGINE EXHAUST SMOKES EXCESSIVELY (BLACK OR GRAY SMOKE) - ContinuedFigure 1. Engine Cold Start Heater.Figure 2. Engine Cold Start Heater.ENGINE EXHAUST SMOKES EXCESSIVELY (BLACK OR GRAY SMOKE) - ContinuedENGINE EXHAUST SMOKES EXCESSIVELY (WHITE OR BLUE SMOKE)ENGINE EXHAUST SMOKES EXCESSIVELY (WHITE OR BLUE SMOKE) - ContinuedFigure 2. Engine Cold Start Heater.ENGINE EXHAUST SMOKES EXCESSIVELY (WHITE OR BLUE SMOKE) - ContinuedFigure 3. Engine Cold Start Heater.Figure 4. Engine Cold Start Heater.ENGINE EXHAUST SMOKES EXCESSIVELY (WHITE OR BLUE SMOKE) - ContinuedENGINE IS SLUGGISHENGINE EXHAUST SMOKES EXCESSIVELY (WHITE OR BLUE SMOKE) - ContinuedFigure 1. Fuel Filter Drain Valve.ENGINE EXHAUST SMOKES EXCESSIVELY (WHITE OR BLUE SMOKE) - ContinuedFigure 3. Throttle Cable.Figure 4. Turbocharger.ENGINE IS UNUSUALLY NOISYFigure 1. Engine Fan Assembly.Figure 2. Turbocharger.ENGINE IS UNUSUALLY NOISY - ContinuedFigure 3. Fuel Lines.ENGINE IS USING MORE FUEL THAN USUALFigure 1. Engine Air Intake System.Figure 2. TurbochargerFigure 3. TurbochargerENGINE IS USING MORE OIL THAN USUALENGINE MISFIRES OR IDLES ROUGHENGINE MISFIRES OR IDLES ROUGH - ContinuedFigure 1. Fuel Filter Drain Valve.Figure 2. Fuel LinesENGINE MISFIRES OR IDLES ROUGH - ContinuedFigure 3. Fuel Lift PumpENGINE OIL PRESSURE IS LOW (WARNING LIGHT AND WARNING HORN ON)ENGINE OIL PRESSURE IS LOW (WARNING LIGHT AND WARNING HORN ON) - ContinuedFigure 1. Engine Oil Level Check.ENGINE OIL PRESSURE IS LOW (WARNING LIGHT AND WARNING HORN ON) - ContinuedFigure 2. Oil Pressure Switch.Figure 3. Engine Oil Level Check.Figure 4. Fuel Lift PumpENGINE OPERATING TEMPERATURE IS TOO HIGH (WARNING LIGHT AND WARNING HORN ON)ENGINE OPERATING TEMPERATURE IS TOO HIGH (WARNING LIGHT AND WARNING HORN ON) - ContinuedFigure 1. Radiator Cap Assembly.Figure 2. Radiator Cap Assembly.Figure 3. Engine Fan Assembly.Figure 4. Engine Fan Assembly.Figure 5. Water Pump.ENGINE OPERATING TEMPERATURE IS TOO HIGH (WARNING LIGHT AND WARNING HORN ON) - ContinuedFigure 6. Engine Oil Cooler Lines.ENGINE STARTS BUT WILL NOT KEEP RUNNINGFigure 1. Fuel Filter Drain Valve.Figure 2. Fuel LinesENGINE STARTS BUT WILL NOT KEEP RUNNING - ContinuedFigure 3. Fuel Lift Pump.ENGINE SURGES (SPEED CHANGES)ENGINE SURGES (SPEED CHANGES) - ContinuedFigure 1. Fuel Lines.ENGINE VIBRATES EXCESSIVELYFigure 1. Engine Mounts.Figure 2. Fuel Lines.ENGINE WILL NOT STOP RUNNINGFigure 1. Engine Start Switch.OIL LEAKING FROM EXHAUSTOIL LEAKING FROM EXHAUST - ContinuedFigure 1. Turbocharger.THROTTLE CONTROL WILL NOT CHANGE ENGINE SPEED (CB534B)THROTTLE CONTROL WILL NOT CHANGE ENGINE SPEED (CB534B) - ContinuedFigure 1. Throttle Control Cable.ALTERNATOR INDICATOR IS ONALTERNATOR INDICATOR IS ON - ContinuedFigure 1. Engine Fan Assembly.Figure 2. Engine Fan Assembly.Figure 3. Alternator Wiring.Figure 4. Batteries and Battery Cables.Figure 5. Batteries and Battery Cables.Figure 6. Battery Disconnect Switch Wiring.ALTERNATOR IS NOISYALTERNATOR IS NOISY - ContinuedFigure 2. Engine Fan Assembly.BACKUP ALARM DOES NOT WORKBACKUP ALARM DOES NOT WORK - ContinuedFigure 1. Backup Alarm Sending Unit Wiring.Figure 2. Backup Alarm Wiring.Figure 3. Backup Alarm Wiring.FEET PER MINUTE (FPM) METER DOES NOT WORK (CB534C)FEET PER MINUTE (FPM) METER DOES NOT WORK (CB534C) - ContinuedFigure 1. Feet Per Minute (FPM) Meter Wiring.FUEL GAUGE DOES NOT WORKFigure 1. Fuel Level Sending Unit Wiring.FUEL GAUGE DOES NOT WORK - ContinuedFUEL GAUGE DOES NOT WORK - ContinuedFigure 2. Fuel Gauge Wiring.HORN DOES NOT WORKHORN DOES NOT WORK - ContinuedFigure 1. Horn Wiring.Figure 2. Horn Switch Wiring.Figure 3. Horn Switch Wiring.NO POWER TO ACCESSORIES WITH THE ENGINE RUNNINGFigure 1. Main Relay Wiring.Figure 2. Main Relay Wiring.Figure 3. Main Relay Wiring.Figure 4. Engine Start Switch Wiring.Figure 5. Engine Start Switch Wiring.ROLLER HAS NO ELECTRICAL POWERROLLER HAS NO ELECTRICAL POWER - ContinuedFigure 1. Batteries.Figure 2. Battery Cable Connections at Starter.Figure 3. Battery Disconnect Switch Wiring.Figure 4. Alternator Circuit Breaker Wiring.Figure 5. Alternator Circuit Breaker Wiring.Figure 6. Main Relay Wiring.Figure 7. Main Relay Wiring.Figure 8. Main Relay Wiring.Figure 9. Engine Start Switch Wiring.Figure 10. Engine Start Switch Wiring.STARTER CONTINUES TO RUN AFTER ENGINE START SWITCH KEY IS RELEASEDSTARTER CONTINUES TO RUN AFTER ENGINE START SWITCH KEY IS RELEASED - ContinuedFigure 1. Starter Relay Wiring.Figure 2. Starter Relay Wiring.STARTER DOES NOT TURN OR TURNS SLOWLYSTARTER DOES NOT TURN OR TURNS SLOWLY - ContinuedFigure 1. Battery Cable Connections at Starter.Figure 2. Batteries and Battery Cables.Figure 3. Battery Cable Connections at Starter.STARTER DOES NOT TURN OR TURNS SLOWLY - ContinuedFigure 4. Battery Cable Connections at Starter.STARTER DOES NOT TURN OR TURNS SLOWLY - ContinuedFigure 5. Starter Relay Wiring.Figure 6. Starter Relay Wiring.Figure 7. Starter Relay Wiring.STARTER DOES NOT TURN OR TURNS SLOWLY - ContinuedFigure 8. Neutral Start Relay No. 1 Wiring.Figure 9. Starter Relay Wiring.Figure 10. Neutral Start Relay No. 1 Wiring.Figure 11. Neutral Start Relay No. 1 Wiring.Figure 12. Engine Start Switch Wiring.Figure 13. Engine Start Switch Wiring.STARTER TURNS, BUT DOES NOT CRANK ENGINESTARTING AID SWITCH DOES NOT WORKTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDUREFigure 1. Starting Aid Switch Wiring.Figure 2. Starting Aid Switch Wiring.VIBRATIONS PER MINUTE (VPM) TACHOMETER DOES NOT WORKFigure 1. Vibration Sensor Wiring.Figure 2. Vibrator Sensor Wiring.VIBRATIONS PER MINUTE (VPM) TACHOMETER DOES NOT WORK - ContinuedFigure 3. Vibration Per Minute (VPM) Meter Wiring.WARNING AND INDICATOR LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATEWARNING AND INDICATOR LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE - ContinuedFigure 2. Functional Indicator and Warning Light Assemblies.Table 2. Continuity Checks.Figure 3. Functional Indicator and Warning Light Assemblies.Figure 4. Functional Indicator and Warning Light Assembly Wiring.Figure 5. Functional Light Relay Wiring.Figure 6. Functional Light Relay Wiring.Figure 7. Functional Light Relay Wiring.Figure 8. Warning Light Relay Wiring.Figure 9. Warning Light Relay Wiring.Figure 10. Warning Light Relay Wiring.Figure 11. Hourmeter Wiring.Figure 12. Hourmeter Wiring.Figure 13. Warning Alarm Diodes.Figure 14. Warning Alarm Diodes.WORK LIGHTS AND GAUGE LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATEWORK LIGHTS AND GAUGE LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE - ContinuedFigure 1. Light Circuit Breaker Wiring.Figure 2. Light Circuit Breaker Wiring.Figure 3. Work Light Control Switch Wiring.HYDRAULIC OIL PRESSURE IS LOW (WARNING LIGHT AND WARNING HORN ON)Figure 1. Hydraulic Oil Filter Indicator.HYDRAULIC OIL TEMPERATURE IS HIGH (WARNING LIGHT AND WARNING HORN ON)Figure 1. Hydraulic Oil Filter Indicator.Figure 2. Engine Fan Assembly.POWER STEERING PUMP MAKES NOISE AND STEERING CYLINDER RODS DO NOT MOVE SMOOTHLYFigure 1. Power Steering Pump.ROLLER DOES NOT TURN WHEN STEERING WHEEL IS TURNEDFigure 1. Power Steering Pump.ROLLER TURNS SLOWLY IN BOTH DIRECTIONSFigure 1. Power Steering Pump.TOO MUCH FORCE IS NEEDED TO TURN STEERING WHEELFigure 1. Power Steering Pump.PARKING BRAKE DOES NOT DISENGAGE WHEN PARKING BRAKE SWITCH IS PULLED UPPARKING BRAKE DOES NOT DISENGAGE WHEN PARKING BRAKE SWITCH IS PULLED UP - ContinuedFigure 1. Parking Brake Solenoid Wiring.Figure 2. Parking Brake Solenoid Wiring.Figure 3. Parking Brake Switch Wiring.Figure 4. Parking Brake Switch Wiring.Figure 5. Brake Relay No. 1 Wiring.Figure 6. Brake Relay 1 Wiring.Figure 7. Brake Relay No. 1 Wiring.PARKING BRAKE DOES NOT ENGAGE WHEN PARKING BRAKE SWITCH IS PUSHED DOWNPARKING BRAKE DOES NOT ENGAGE WHEN PARKING BRAKE SWITCH IS PUSHED DOWN - ContinuedFigure 1. Parking Brake Switch Wiring.PROPEL MOTOR IS NOISYPROPEL MOTOR LEAKS OILPROPEL SYSTEM DOES NOT CHANGE SPEEDS WHEN PROPEL SPEED SWITCH IS MOVEDPROPEL SYSTEM DOES NOT CHANGE SPEEDS WHEN PROPEL SPEED SWITCH IS MOVED - ContinuedFigure 1. Shift Solenoid Wiring.Figure 2. Shift Solenoid Wiring.Figure 3. Propel Speed Switch Wiring.Figure 4. Propel Speed Switch Wiring.PROPEL SYSTEM ENGAGES VERY QUICKLY WHEN MAKING A SHIFTFigure 1. Hydraulic Oil Filter Indicator.PROPEL SYSTEM ENGAGES VERY SLOWLY WHEN MAKING A SHIFTFigure 1. Hydraulic Oil Filter Indicator.PROPEL SYSTEM OPERATES IN FORWARD SPEEDS ONLYPROPEL SYSTEM OPERATES IN REVERSE SPEEDS ONLYROLLER WILL NOT MOVE WHEN PROPEL CONTROL LEVER IS OPERATEDFigure 1. Hydraulic Oil Filter Indicator.NOISY VIBRATORY MOTORVIBRATION DOES NOT OCCUR WHILE AMPLITUDE SELECT SWITCH IS SET TO HIGH PITCHVIBRATION DOES NOT OCCUR WHILE AMPLITUDE SELECT SWITCH IS SET TO HIGH PITCH - ContinuedFigure 1. High Amplitude Solenoid Wiring.Figure 2. Amplitude Select Switch Wiring.Figure 3. Amplitude Select Switch Wiring.VIBRATION DOES NOT OCCUR WHILE AMPLITUDE SELECT SWITCH IS SET TO LOW PITCHVIBRATION DOES NOT OCCUR WHILE AMPLITUDE SELECT SWITCH IS SET TO LOW PITCH - ContinuedFigure 1. Low Amplitude Solenoid Wiring.Figure 2. Amplitude Select Switch Wiring.Figure 3. Amplitude Select Switch Wiring.VIBRATION DOES NOT STOP WHEN TRAVEL STOPSVIBRATION DOES NOT WORK IN FORWARD OR REVERSE TRAVELVIBRATION DOES NOT WORK IN FORWARD OR REVERSE TRAVEL - ContinuedFigure 1. Rear Drum Solenoid Wiring.Figure 2. Vibration Push Switch Wiring.Figure 3. Vibration Push Switch Wiring.Figure 4. Drum Select Switch Wiring.VIBRATION DOES NOT WORK IN FORWARD OR REVERSE TRAVEL - ContinuedFigure 5. Vibration Control Switch Wiring.Figure 6. Vibration Control Switch Wiring.Figure 7. Amplitude Select Switch Wiring.Figure 8. Amplitude Select Switch Wiring.VIBRATION FREQUENCY START-UP IS SLOW, TIME LAG AFTER TRAVEL STARTS IS EXCESSIVEVIBRATION OCCURS IN ONLY ONE DRUMVIBRATION OCCURS IN ONLY ONE DRUM - ContinuedFigure 1. Drum Solenoid Wiring.Figure 2. Drum Select Switch Wiring.Figure 3. Drum Select Switch Wiring.VIBRATION ONLY OCCURS WHILE VIBRATION CONTROL SWITCH IS SET TO AUTOMATIC MODEVIBRATION ONLY OCCURS WHILE VIBRATION CONTROL SWITCH IS SET TO AUTOMATIC MODE - ContinuedFigure 1. Vibration Control Switch Wiring.Figure 2. Vibration Control Switch Wiring.VIBRATION ONLY OCCURS WHILE VIBRATION CONTROL SWITCH IS SET TO MANUAL MODEFigure 1. Vibration Control Switch Wiring.Figure 2. Vibration Control Switch Wiring.Figure 3. Amplitude Select Switch Wiring.Figure 4. Amplitude Select Switch Wiring.VIBRATION STOPS TOO SOON BEFORE TRAVEL STOPSVIBRATORY SYSTEM ENGAGES HARSHLYNO SPRAY AT EITHER DRUM WHEN WATER SPRAY SWITCH IS IN INTERMITTENT SPRAY POSITIONFigure 1. Water Spray Switch Wiring.Figure 2. Water Spray Switch Wiring.Figure 3. Intermittent Water Spray Timer Wiring.Figure 4. Front And Rear Intermittent Relay Wiring.Figure 5. Water Spray Pump Connector Wiring.NOZZLE SPRAY PATTERN IS INCONSISTENTSPRAY DOES NOT OCCUR IN EITHER DRUM WHEN WATER SPRAY SWITCH IS IN CONTINUOUS SPRAY POSITIONFigure 1. Water Spray Switch Wiring.Figure 2. Water Spray Switch Wiring.Figure 3. Water Spray Pump Connector Wiring.WATER CONSUMPTION UNEQUAL BETWEEN TANKSFigure 1. Water Spray System Water Lines.Figure 2. Water Spray Pump Test.WATER SPRAY OCCURS ON ONE DRUM ONLYWATER SPRAY OCCURS ON ONE DRUM ONLY - ContinuedFigure 1. Water Spray Pump Connector Wiring.Figure 2. Water Spray System Waterlines.WATER SPRAY PRESSURE IS LOWFigure 1. Water Spray System Water Lines.Figure 2. Water Spray Pump Test.CHAPTER 3. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) INTRODUCTIONGENERAL PMCS PROCEDURES LUBRICATION ORDERLUBRICATION ORDER - ContinuedFigure 1. Lubrication Chart.LUBRICATION ORDER - ContinuedLUBRICATION ORDER - ContinuedLUBRICATION ORDER - ContinuedLUBRICATION ORDER - ContinuedLUBRICATION ORDER - ContinuedLUBRICATION ORDER - ContinuedLUBRICATION ORDER - ContinuedPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) (QUARTERLY)Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) (Quarterly) for CB534 Roller.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) (Quarterly) for CB534 Roller - ContinuedFigure 1. Fan Belts.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) (Quarterly) for CB534 Roller - ContinuedPREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) (ANNUAL)Figure 1. Platform.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) (Annual) for CB534 Roller - Continued.PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) (BIENNIAL)PMCS Mandatory Replacement Parts ListCHAPTER 4. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSERVICE UPON RECEIPTINSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedENGINE, TURBO, DIESEL TESTSCYLINDER COMPRESSION TEST - ContinuedENGINE OIL SERVICEDRAIN/FILTER REMOVALFigure 1. Engine Oil Drain.Figure 2. Engine Oil Filter Removal.Figure 3. Engine Oil Filter Installation.Figure 4. Engine Oil FillENGINE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Engine Assembly RemovalFigure 3. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 4. Engine Assembly RemovalFigure 6. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 8. Engine Assembly RemovalFigure 10. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 12. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 13. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 14. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 16. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 17. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 19. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 20. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 22. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 23. Engine Assembly Removal.Figure 24. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 25. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 27. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 28. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 29. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 31. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 33. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 34. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 36. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 38. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 40. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 42. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 44. Engine Assembly Installation.Figure 45. Engine Assembly Installation.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCEENGINE LIFTING PLATES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Engine Lifting Plates Removal.Figure 2. Engine Lifting Plates RemovalFigure 3. Engine Lifting Plates Installation.Figure 4. Engine Lifting Plates Installation.FRONT ENGINE MOUNT REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front Engine Mount Removal.Figure 2. Front Engine Mount Removal.FRONT ENGINE MOUNT REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 3. Front Engine Mount Removal.FRONT ENGINE MOUNT REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 4. Front Engine Mount Installation.Figure 6. Front Engine Mount Installation.REAR ENGINE MOUNT REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Rear Engine Mount Removal.Figure 2. Rear Engine Mount RemovalFigure 3. Rear Engine Mount Removal.Figure 5. Rear Engine Mount RemovalFigure 6. Rear Engine Mount Installation.Figure 7. Rear Engine Mount Installation.Figure 9. Rear Engine Mount Installation.REAR ENGINE MOUNT REPLACEMENT - ContinuedCYLINDER HEAD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cylinder Head RemovalFigure 2. Cylinder Head RemovalFigure 4. Cylinder Head Cleaning and InspectionFigure 5. Cylinder Head InstallationFigure 7. Cylinder Head InstallationCYLINDER HEAD REPLACEMENT - ContinuedCRANKSHAFT PULLEY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Crankshaft Pulley Removal.Figure 2. Crankshaft Pulley InstallationCRANKSHAFT FRONT OIL SEAL REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Installation.CRANKSHAFT REAR OIL SEAL REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Removal.Figure 2. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal InstallationFigure 4. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal InstallationFLYWHEEL ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Flywheel Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Flywheel Assembly Removal.Figure 4. Flywheel Assembly Installation.Figure 5. Flywheel Assembly Installation.FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFLYWHEEL HOUSING REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Flywheel Housing Removal.Figure 2. Flywheel Housing RemovalFigure 3. Flywheel Housing Installation.Figure 4. Flywheel Housing Installation.VALVE LASH (CLEARANCE) ADJUSTMENTVALVE LASH (CLEARANCE) ADJUSTMENT - ContinuedROCKER SHAFT ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Rocker Shaft Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Rocker Shaft Assembly Installation.ROCKER ARM ASSEMBLY REPAIRFigure 1. Rocker Arm Disassembly.Figure 2. Rocker Arm Assembly.IDLER GEAR AND HUB REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Idler Gear and Hub Removal.Figure 3. Idler Gear and Hub RemovalFigure 4. Idler Gear and Hub Installation.Figure 5. Idler Gear and Hub Installation.Figure 6. Idler Gear and Hub Installation.TIMING GEAR CASE COVER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Timing Gear Case Cover Installation.Figure 4. Timing Gear Cover Installation.OIL PAN REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Oil Pan Removal.Figure 2. Oil Pan Removal.Figure 3. Oil Pan InstallationFigure 4. Oil Pan InstallationENGINE OIL PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Engine Oil Pump Removal.Figure 2. Engine Oil Pump Installation.ENGINE OIL COOLER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Engine Oil Cooler Removal.Figure 1. Engine Oil Cooler Removal - ContinuedFigure 2. Engine Oil Cooler InstallationENGINE OIL COOLER LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (CB534B)Figure 2. Engine Oil Cooler Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 3. Engine Oil Cooler Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 4. Engine Oil Cooler Lines and Fittings Installation.Figure 5. Engine Oil Cooler Lines and Fittings Installation.Figure 7. Engine Oil Cooler Lines and Fittings Installation.ENGINE OIL COOLER LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (CB534B) - ContinuedENGINE OIL COOLER LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (CB534C)Figure 1. Engine Oil Cooler Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 2. Engine Oil Cooler Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 4. Engine Oil Cooler Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 6. Engine Oil Cooler Lines and Fittings Installation.Figure 8. Engine Oil Cooler Lines and Fittings Installation.ENGINE OIL SAMPLING VALVE AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Engine Oil Sampling Valve and Fittings RemovalFigure 2. Engine Oil Sampling Valve and Fittings Removal.Figure 4. Engine Oil Sampling Valve and Fittings InstallationGAUGE ROD (DIPSTICK) TUBE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Gauge Rod (Dipstick) Tube Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Gauge Rod (Dipstick) Tube Assembly Installation.ENGINE OIL FILLER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Engine Oil Filler Removal.Figure 3. Engine Oil Filler InstallationENGINE OIL FILLER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedVALVE COVER AND BREATHER TUBE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Valve Cover and Breather Tube Removal.Figure 2. Valve Cover and Breather Tube Removal.Figure 3. Valve Cover and Breather Tube Removal.Figure 4. Valve Cover and Breather Tube Installation.Figure 5. Valve Cover and Breather Tube Installation.Figure 6. Valve Cover and Breather Tube Installation.OIL FILTER HEAD ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT (CB534B)Figure 1. Oil Filter Head Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Oil Filter Head Assembly InstallationOIL FILTER HEAD ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT (CB534C)Figure 1. Oil Filter Head Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Oil Filter Head Assembly InstallationOIL STRAINER AND SUCTION TUBE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Oil Strainer and Suction Tube Removal.Figure 3. Oil Strainer and Suction Tube Installation.OIL STRAINER AND SUCTION TUBE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedINTAKE MANIFOLD REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Intake Manifold Removal.Figure 3. Intake Manifold RemovalFigure 4. Intake Manifold Installation.Figure 5. Intake Manifold InstallationINTAKE MANIFOLD REPLACEMENT - ContinuedEXHAUST MANIFOLD REPLACEMENT (CB534B)Figure 2. Exhaust Manifold Installation.EXHAUST MANIFOLD REPLACEMENT (CB534C)Figure 2. Exhaust Manifold Installation.FUEL INJECTOR AND NOZZLE TESTFigure 1. Fuel Injector and Nozzle Test.FUEL INJECTOR AND NOZZLE REPLACEMENT (CB534B)Figure 2. Fuel Injector and Nozzle Removal.Figure 3. Fuel Injector and Nozzle InstallationFUEL INJECTOR AND NOZZLE REPLACEMENT (CB534B) - ContinuedFUEL INJECTOR AND NOZZLE REPLACEMENT (CB534C)Figure 1. Fuel Injector and Nozzle Removal.Figure 2. Fuel Injector and Nozzle InstallationFigure 3. Fuel Injector and Nozzle Installation.FUEL INJECTION PUMP GEAR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Fuel Injection Pump Gear Removal.Figure 2. Fuel Injection Pump Gear InstallationFigure 3. Fuel Injection Pump Gear Removal.Figure 5. Fuel Injection Pump Gear InstallationFUEL INJECTION PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Fuel Injection Pump Removal.Figure 2. Fuel Injection Pump InstallationFUEL INJECTION PUMP TEST AND ADJUSTMENT (CB534B)FUEL INJECTOR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (CB534B)FUEL LINES AND FITTINGS REMOVALFigure 1. Fuel Lines and Fittings Removal.FUEL LINES AND FITTINGS INSTALLATIONFigure 2. Fuel Lines and Fittings InstallationFigure 3. Fuel Injector Lines and Fittings Removal.Figure 4. Fuel Injector Lines and Fittings Installation.FUEL INJECTOR LINES AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT (CB534C)FUEL LINES AND FITTINGS REMOVALFigure 1. Fuel Lines and Fittings Removal.FUEL LINES AND FITTINGS INSTALLATIONFigure 2. Fuel Lines and Fittings InstallationFUEL INJECTOR LINES AND FITTINGS REMOVALFigure 3. Fuel Injector Lines and Fittings RemovalFigure 4. Fuel Injector Lines and Fittings Installation.FUEL INJECTOR LINES AND FITTINGS INSTALLATION - ContinuedFUEL LIFT PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Fuel Lift Pump Removal.Figure 2. Fuel Lift Pump RemovalFUEL LIFT PUMP REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 3. Fuel Lift Pump RemovalFUEL LIFT PUMP REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 4. Fuel Lift Pump InstallationFigure 6. Fuel Lift Pump Installation.AIR CLEANER CAP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Air Cleaner Removal.Figure 2. Air Cleaner InstallationAIR CLEANER ELEMENTS AND AIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Air Cleaner Elements and Air Cleaner Assembly RemovalFigure 2. Air Cleaner Elements and Air Cleaner Assembly Removal.Figure 4. Air Cleaner Elements and Air Cleaner Assembly RemovalFigure 5. Air Cleaner Elements and Air Cleaner Assembly RemovalFigure 6. Air Cleaner and Air Cleaner Assembly InstallationFigure 7. Air Cleaner Elements and Air Cleaner Assembly InstallationFigure 9. Air Cleaner Elements and Air Cleaner Assembly InstallationAIR CLEANER ELEMENTS AND AIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedAIR CLEANER SUPPORT ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Air Cleaner Support Assembly Removal.Figure 3. Air Cleaner Support Assembly Removal.Figure 5. Air Cleaner Support Assembly Removal.Figure 7. Air Cleaner Support Assembly Installation.Figure 9. Air Cleaner Support Assembly Installation.Figure 10. Air Cleaner Support Assembly InstallationAIR CLEANER SERVICE INDICATOR REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Air Cleaner Service Indicator RemovalFigure 4. Air Cleaner Service Indicator Installation.TURBOCHARGER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Turbocharger Removal.Figure 2. Turbocharger RemovalFigure 4. Turbocharger Removal.Figure 5. Turbocharger InstallationFigure 6. Turbocharger InstallationFigure 7. Turbocharger InstallationTURBOCHARGER REPLACEMENTTURBOCHARGER REPAIRFigure 2. Turbocharger Disassembly.Figure 3. Turbocharger AssemblyTURBOCHARGER REPAIR - ContinuedTURBOCHARGER OIL LINES, HOSES, AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Turbocharger Oil Lines, Hoses, and Fittings RemovalFigure 3. Turbocharger Oil Lines, Hoses, and Fittings Removal.Figure 4. Turbocharger Oil Lines, Hoses, and Fittings InstallationFigure 5. Turbocharger Oil Lines, Hoses, and Fittings InstallationTURBOCHARGER OIL LINES, HOSES, AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFUEL/HYDRAULIC OIL TANK DRAIN/FILLFigure 1. Fuel Tank Drain.Figure 2. Hydraulic Oil Tank DrainFigure 3. Hydraulic Oil Tank Fill.Figure 4. Fuel Tank Fill.FUEL/HYDRAULIC OIL TANK AND DRAIN LINES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Drain Lines Removal.Figure 2. Drain Lines Removal.Figure 3. Drain Lines Removal.Figure 4. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Removal.Figure 6. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Removal.Figure 8. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Removal.Figure 9. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Removal.Figure 11. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank RemovalFigure 12. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Removal.Figure 14. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank RemovalFigure 16. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Removal.Figure 17. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank RemovalFigure 19. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Removal.Figure 20. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Installation.Figure 22. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Installation.Figure 23. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Installation.Figure 25. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Installation.Figure 26. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Installation.Figure 28. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank InstallationFigure 29. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Installation.Figure 30. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Installation.Figure 31. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Installation.Figure 33. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Installation.Figure 35. Fuel/Hydraulic Oil Tank Installation.Figure 36. Drain Lines InstallationFigure 37. Drain Lines InstallationAIR CLEANER SUPPORT ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFUEL CAP ASSEMBLY REPAIRFigure 1. Fuel Cap Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Fuel Cap Disassembly.FUEL CAP ASSEMBLY REPAIR - ContinuedFigure 3. Fuel Cap Assembly.Figure 4. Fuel Cap Assembly Installation.FUEL FILTER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFUEL FILTER ELEMENT REMOVALFigure 1. Fuel Filter Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Fuel Filter Assembly Installation.Figure 3. Fuel Filter Assembly Installation.FUEL FILTER ASSEMBLY REMOVALFigure 4. Fuel Filter Assembly Removal.Figure 5. Fuel Filter Assembly Removal.Figure 7. Fuel Filter Assembly Removal.Figure 8. Fuel Filter Assembly Disassembly.Figure 9. Fuel Filter Assembly InspectionFigure 10. Fuel Filter Assembly Assembly.Figure 11. Fuel Filter Assembly InstallationFigure 13. Fuel Filter Assembly Installation.Figure 14. Fuel Filter Assembly InstallationFUEL FILTER ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION - ContinuedPRIMING FUEL SYSTEMPRIMING FUEL SYSTEM - ContinuedFigure 1. Priming Fuel System.Figure 2. Priming Fuel System.Figure 3. Priming Fuel System.PRIMING FUEL SYSTEM - ContinuedFUEL/WATER SEPARATOR ASSEMBLY SERVICEFigure 1. Fuel/Water Separator Element Removal.Figure 2. Fuel/Water Separator Element RemovalFigure 3. Fuel/Water Separator Element Installation.Figure 4. Fuel/Water Separator Element Installation.Figure 5. Fuel/Water Separator Element Installation.Figure 6. Fuel/Water Separator Assembly RemovalFigure 7. Fuel/Water Separator Assembly RemovalFigure 8. Fuel/Water Separator Assembly RemovalFigure 10. Fuel/Water Separator Disassembly.Figure 11. Fuel/Water Separator DisassemblyFigure 12. Fuel/Water Separator AssemblyFigure 13. Fuel/Water Separator AssemblyFigure 14. Fuel/Water Separator AssemblyFigure 16. Fuel/Water Separator Assembly Installation.FUEL/WATER SEPARATOR ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION - ContinuedCOLD START HEATER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cold Start Heater Removal.Figure 2. Cold Start Heater RemovalFigure 4. Cold Start Heater Installation.THROTTLE CABLE REPLACEMENT/ADJUSTMENT (CB534B)Figure 1. Throttle Cable Removal.Figure 2. Throttle Cable RemovalFigure 4. Throttle Cable Removal.Figure 6. Throttle Cable RemovalFigure 7. Throttle Cable Removal.Figure 9. Throttle Cable RemovalFigure 10. Throttle Cable Installation.Figure 11. Throttle Cable InstallationFigure 12. Throttle Cable Installation.Figure 14. Throttle Cable InstallationFigure 15. Throttle Cable Installation.Figure 17. Throttle Cable InstallationADJUSTMENTFigure 18. Throttle Cable AdjustmentFigure 20. Throttle Cable Adjustment.LOW IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENTFigure 1. Low Idle Speed Adjustment.Figure 2. Low Idle Speed AdjustmentLOW IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENT - ContinuedTHROTTLE CONTROL REPLACEMENT (CB534C)Figure 1. Throttle Control Removal.Figure 2. Throttle Control InstallationFigure 3. Throttle Control AdjustmentTHROTTLE CONTROL REPLACEMENT (CB534C) - ContinuedMUFFLER AND TAILPIPE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Muffler and Tailpipe Removal.Figure 2. Muffler and Tailpipe Removal.Figure 4. Muffler and Tailpipe Removal.Figure 6. Muffler and Tailpipe InstallationFigure 7. Muffler and Tailpipe Installation.Figure 8. Muffler and Tailpipe InstallationCOOLANT SYSTEM PRESSURE TESTCOOLANT SYSTEM PRESSURE TEST - ContinuedFigure 1. Coolant System Pressure TestRADIATOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Radiator Assembly Removal.Figure 2. Radiator Assembly Removal.RADIATOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 3. Radiator Assembly Installation.Figure 4. Radiator Assembly Installation.RADIATOR ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT - ContinuedRADIATOR ASSEMBLY REPAIRRADIATOR HOSES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Radiator Hoses Removal.Figure 2. Radiator Hoses InstallationCOOLANT SYSTEM SERVICECOOLANT SYSTEM SERVICE - ContinuedFigure 1. Coolant System CheckFigure 2. Coolant System Drain.Figure 3. Coolant System Drain.Figure 4. Coolant System Fill.THERMOSTAT MAINTENANCE (CB534B)Figure 1. Thermostat Removal.Figure 2. Thermostat InstallationTHERMOSTAT MAINTENANCE (CB534C)Figure 1. Thermostat Removal.Figure 2. Thermostat Installation.THERMOSTAT MAINTENANCE (CB534C) - ContinuedTHERMOSTAT HOUSING REPLACEMENT (CB534B)Figure 1. Thermostat Housing Removal.Figure 2. Thermostat Housing Removal.Figure 3. Thermostat Housing Removal.Figure 4. Thermostat Housing Installation.Figure 5. Thermostat Housing Installation.Figure 6. Thermostat Housing Installation.THERMOSTAT HOUSING REPLACEMENT (CB534C)Figure 1. Thermostat Housing Removal.Figure 2. Thermostat Housing Installation.THERMOSTAT HOUSING REPLACEMENT (CB534C) - ContinuedWATER PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Water Pump Removal.Figure 3. Water Pump Removal.Figure 5. Water Pump Removal.Figure 6. Water Pump InstallationFigure 7. Water Pump Installation.Figure 9. Water Pump InstallationWATER PUMP REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFAN DRIVE HOUSING ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Fan Drive Housing Assembly Installation.FAN ASSEMBLY AND GUARD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Fan Assembly and Guard Removal.Figure 2. Fan Assembly and Guard Removal.Figure 3. Fan Assembly and Guard Removal.Figure 4. Fan Assembly and Guard InstallationFigure 6. Fan Assembly and Guard InstallationFAN V-BELTS MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Fan V-Belts RemovalFigure 2. Fan V-Belts InstallationFigure 3. Fan V-Belts Adjustment.FAN V-BELTS MAINTENANCE - ContinuedALTERNATOR REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Alternator RemovalFigure 3. Alternator RemovalFigure 4. Alternator InstallationFigure 5. Alternator InstallationALTERNATOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedALTERNATOR TESTALTERNATOR TEST - ContinuedALTERNATOR BRACKET REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Alternator Bracket Removal.Figure 4. Alternator Bracket Installation.ALTERNATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Alternator Circuit Breaker Removal.Figure 2. Alternator Circuit Breaker Installation.STARTER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Starter Removal.Figure 2. Starter Removal.Figure 3. Starter Removal.Figure 4. Starter Removal.Figure 5. Starter InstallationFigure 6. Starter InstallationFigure 7. Starter InstallationFigure 8. Starter InstallationSTARTER RELAY SWITCH ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Starter Relay Switch Removal.Figure 3. Starter Relay Switch Installation.Figure 4. Starter Relay Switch Installation.MAIN RELAY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Main Relay Removal.Figure 2. Main Relay Removal.Figure 4. Main Relay InstallationRELAY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Relay Removal.Table 1. Wire and Relay Connections (CB534B)Figure 2. Relay Removal.Table 2. Wire and Relay Connections (CB534C)Figure 3. Relay Removal.Figure 4. Relay RemovalFigure 5. Relay Installation.Figure 6. Relay Installation.PARKING BRAKE SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Parking Brake Switch Removal.Figure 2. Parking Brake Switch Removal.Figure 3. Parking Brake Switch Removal.Figure 4. Parking Brake Switch Installation.Figure 6. Parking Brake Switch Installation.WATER SPRAY SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Water Spray Switch Removal.Figure 3. Water Spray Switch Removal.Figure 5. Water Spray Switch Installation.Figure 6. Water Spray Switch InstallationDRUM SELECT SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Drum Select Switch Removal.Figure 3. Drum Select Switch RemovalFigure 5. Drum Select Switch Installation.Figure 6. Drum Select Switch Installation.VIBRATION CONTROL SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Vibration Control Switch RemovalFigure 2. Vibration Control Switch RemovalFigure 4. Vibration Control Switch Installation.Figure 6. Vibration Control Switch InstallationAMPLITUDE SELECT SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Amplitude Select Switch Removal.Figure 2. Amplitude Select Switch Removal.Figure 4. Amplitude Select Switch Installation.Figure 6. Amplitude Select Switch Installation.PROPEL SPEED RANGE SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Propel Speed Range Switch Removal.Figure 2. Propel Speed Range Switch RemovalFigure 3. Propel Speed Range Switch Removal.Figure 5. Propel Speed Range Switch Installation.Figure 6. Propel Speed Range Switch Installation.WORK LIGHT CONTROL SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Work Light Control Switch Removal.Figure 3. Work Light Control Switch Installation.Figure 4. Work Light Control Switch Installation.INTERMITTENT WATER SPRAY TIMER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Intermittent Water Spray Timer RemovalFigure 2. Intermittent Water Spray Timer RemovalFigure 3. Intermittent Water Spray Timer Installation.INTERMITTENT WATER SPRAY TIMER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFUSE AND FUSE HOLDER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Fuse and Fuse Holder Removal.Figure 3. Fuse and Fuse Holder Removal.Figure 5. Fuse and Fuse Holder Installation.Figure 6. Fuse and Fuse Holder Installation.STARTING AID SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Starting Aid Switch Removal.Figure 2. Starting Aid Switch Removal.Figure 3. Starting Aid Switch Installation.Figure 4. Starting Aid Switch Installation.ENGINE START SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Engine Start Switch Removal.Figure 2. Engine Start Switch Removal.Figure 4. Engine Start Switch Installation.Figure 5. Engine Start Switch Installation.ENGINE START SWITCH REPLACEMENT - ContinuedVIBRATION PUSH SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Vibration Push Switch Removal.Figure 2. Vibration Push Switch Removal.Figure 3. Vibration Push Switch Installation.Figure 4. Vibration Push Switch Installation.FUEL LEVEL GAUGE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Fuel Level Gauge Removal.Figure 2. Fuel Level Gauge RemovalFigure 4. Fuel Level Gauge Removal.Figure 5. Fuel Level Gauge RemovalFigure 7. Fuel Level Gauge Installation.Figure 9. Fuel Level Gauge Installation.Figure 10. Fuel Level Gauge InstallationSERVICE METER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Service Meter Removal.Figure 2. Service Meter RemovalFigure 4. Service Meter Installation.Figure 6. Service Meter Installation.VIBRATIONS PER MINUTE (VPM) TACHOMETER AND FEET PER MINUTE (FPM) METER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. VPM Tachometer and FPM Meter RemovalFigure 2. VPM Tachometer and FPM Meter RemovalFigure 4. VPM Tachometer and FPM Meter RemovalFigure 5. VPM Tachometer and FPM Meter RemovalFigure 6. VPM Tachometer and FPM Meter RemovalFigure 7. VPM Tachometer and FPM Meter Installation.Figure 8. VPM Tachometer and FPM Meter Installation.Figure 9. VPM Tachometer and FPM Meter Installation.Figure 11. VPM Tachometer and FPM Meter Installation.HOURMETER PRESSURE SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hourmeter Pressure Switch Removal.Figure 2. Hourmeter Pressure Switch Installation.ENGINE OIL PRESSURE SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Oil Pressure Switch Removal.Figure 2. Oil Pressure Switch Installation.LIGHTS CIRCUIT BREAKER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Lights Circuit Breaker Removal.Figure 3. Lights Circuit Breaker Installation.LIGHTS CIRCUIT BREAKER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedSTARTING AID RESISTOR REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Starting Aid Resistor Removal.Figure 3. Starting Aid Resistor Installation.STARTING AID RESISTOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFUEL SOLENOID RESISTOR REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Fuel Solenoid Resistor Removal.Figure 3. Fuel Solenoid Resistor InstallationFUEL SOLENOID RESISTOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedALTERNATOR LIGHT REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Alternator Light Removal.Figure 3. Alternator Light RemovalFigure 5. Alternator Light Installation.Figure 6. Alternator Light InstallationFigure 8. Alternator Light Installation.FUNCTIONAL INDICATOR LIGHT ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Functional Indicator Light RemovalFigure 2. Functional Indicator Light RemovalFigure 4. Functional Indicator Light Installation.Figure 5. Functional Indicator Light InstallationFigure 6. Functional Indicator Light Installation.WORK LIGHT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 2. Work Light Removal.Figure 3. Work Light Removal.Figure 5. Work Light InstallationFigure 6. Work Light InstallationFigure 8. Work Light AdjustmentWORK LIGHT BULB REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Work Light Bulb Removal.Figure 3. Work Light Bulb InstallationWORK LIGHT BULB REPLACEMENT - ContinuedWARNING LIGHTS ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Warning Light Removal.Figure 2. Warning Light RemovalFigure 4. Warning Light Installation.Figure 5. Warning Light InstallationFigure 6. Warning Light Installation.BACKUP ALARM SENDING UNIT REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Backup Alarm Sending Unit Removal.Figure 4. Backup Alarm Sending Unit Installation.WATER TEMPERATURE SENDING UNIT REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Water Temperature Sending Unit RemovalFigure 2. Water Temperature Sending Unit Installation.FUEL LEVEL SENDING UNIT REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Fuel Level Sending Unit Removal.Figure 2. Fuel Level Sending Unit Installation.VIBRATION SENSOR MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Vibration Sensor Removal.Figure 2. Vibration Sensor Installation.Figure 3. Vibration Sensor AdjustmentHYDRAULIC OIL TEMPERATURE SENSOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Temperature Sensor RemovalFigure 2. Temperature Sensor InstallationWARNING HORN ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Warning Horn Removal.Figure 3. Warning Horn InstallationBACKUP ALARM REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Backup Alarm RemovalFigure 2. Backup Alarm RemovalFigure 3. Backup Alarm Installation.Figure 4. Backup Alarm InstallationHORN SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Horn Switch Removal.Figure 3. Horn Switch InstallationHORN SWITCH REPLACEMENT - ContinuedHORN ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Horn Removal.Figure 2. Horn RemovalFigure 3. Horn Installation.Figure 4. Horn Installation.BATTERY MAINTENANCEBATTERY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Battery Inspection.Figure 2. Battery Removal.Figure 3. Battery RemovalFigure 4. Battery Installation.Figure 5. Battery Installation.BATTERY DISCONNECT SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Battery Disconnect Switch Removal.Figure 2. Battery Disconnect Switch RemovalFigure 3. Battery Disconnect Switch InstallationFigure 4. Battery Disconnect Switch Installation.BATTERY CABLE REPLACEMENTBATTERY CABLE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Battery Cable RemovalFigure 3. Battery Cable Removal.Figure 4. Battery Cable RemovalFigure 5. Battery Cable Removal.Figure 6. Battery Cable RemovalFigure 7. Battery Cable Installation.Figure 9. Battery Cable InstallationFigure 10. Battery Cable InstallationFigure 11. Battery Cable InstallationFigure 12. Battery Cable InstallationFigure 13. Battery Cable InstallationBATTERY CABLE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedNATO CONNECTOR REPLACEMENTNATO CONNECTOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. NATO Connector RemovalFigure 2. NATO Connector Removal.Figure 3. NATO Connector InstallationFigure 4. NATO Connector Installation.GROUND CABLE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Ground Cable RemovalGROUND CABLE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Ground Cable Installation.GENERAL WIRING REPAIRFigure 1. Solderless Terminal Replacement.Figure 2. Wire Splicing Using Butt Connectors.WIRE SPLICING USING SOLDER METHODFigure 3. Wire Splicing Using Solder Method.Figure 4. Wire Splicing Using Solder Method.Figure 5. Male Cable Connector ReplacementFigure 6. Female Cable Connector Replacement.Figure 7. Wiring Repair.Figure 9. Wiring RepairFigure 10. Wiring RepairGROUP II TERMINAL DISASSEMBLYGROUP II TERMINAL DISASSEMBLY - ContinuedGROUP II TERMINAL ASSEMBLYGROUP II TERMINAL ASSEMBLY - ContinuedGENERAL WIRING REPAIR - ContinuedENGINE WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTENGINE WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Engine Wiring Harness RemovalFigure 2. Engine Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 4. Engine Wiring Harness RemovalFigure 6. Engine Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 8. Engine Wiring Harness RemovalFigure 10. Engine Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 12. Engine Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 14. Engine Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 16. Engine Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 18. Engine Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 20. Engine Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 23. Engine Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 25. Engine Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 27. Engine Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 29. Engine Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 31. Engine Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 33. Engine Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 34. Engine Wiring Harness Installation.ENGINE WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFRONT WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front Wiring Harness RemovalFigure 2. Front Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 4. Front Wiring Harness RemovalFigure 6. Front Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 8. Front Wiring Harness RemovalFigure 10. Front Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 11. Front Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 12. Front Wiring Harness InstallationFigure 14. Front Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 16. Front Wiring Harness InstallationFigure 18. Front Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 20. Front Wiring Harness InstallationFigure 22. Front Wiring Harness Installation.REAR WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Rear Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 2. Rear Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 4. Rear Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 6. Rear Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 7. Rear Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 8. Rear Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 10. Rear Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 11. Rear Wiring Harness RemovalFigure 12. Rear Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 13. Rear Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 15. Rear Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 16. Rear Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 18. Rear Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 20. Rear Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 22. Rear Wiring Harness Installation.INSTRUMENT WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Instrument Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 2. Instrument Wiring Harness RemovalFigure 3. Instrument Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 4. Instrument Wiring Harness RemovalFigure 6. Instrument Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 8. Instrument Wiring Harness RemovalFigure 10. Instrument Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 12. Instrument Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 13. Instrument Wiring Harness Removal.Figure 14. Instrument Wiring Harness InstallationFigure 15. Instrument Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 17. Instrument Wiring Harness InstallationFigure 19. Instrument Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 21. Instrument Wiring Harness InstallationFigure 23. Instrument Wiring Harness Installation.Figure 24. Instrument Wiring Harness InstallationFigure 26. Instrument Wiring Harness Installation.MAIN WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (CB534B)MAIN WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (CB534B) - ContinuedMAIN WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (CB534B) - ContinuedMAIN WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (CB534B) - ContinuedMAIN WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (CB534C)MAIN WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (CB534C) - ContinuedMAIN WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (CB534C) - ContinuedMAIN WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (CB534C) - ContinuedMAIN WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT (CB534C) - ContinuedSEPARATE AND CONNECT VIBRATORY AND PROPEL PUMPSFigure 1. Vibratory and Propel Pumps SeparateFigure 2. Vibratory and Propel Pumps SeparateFigure 4. Vibratory and Propel Pumps Connect.VIBRATORY AND PROPEL PUMPS REPLACEMENTVIBRATORY AND PROPEL PUMPS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Vibratory and Propel Pumps RemovalVIBRATORY AND PROPEL PUMPS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Vibratory and Propel Pumps Installation.REAR PROPEL MOTOR REPLACEMENTREAR PROPEL MOTOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Rear Propel Motor Removal.Figure 2. Rear Propel Motor Installation.PROPEL MOTOR AND TORQUE HUB REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Propel Motor and Torque Hub Removal.Figure 2. Propel Motor and Torque Hub Removal.Figure 3. Propel Motor and Torque Hub Removal.Figure 4. Propel Motor and Torque Hub Installation.Figure 5. Propel Motor and Torque Hub Installation.Figure 6. Propel Motor and Torque Hub Installation.PROPEL CONTROL LEVER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Propel Control Lever RemovalFigure 2. Propel Control Lever RemovalPROPEL CONTROL LEVER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 3. Propel Control Lever Disassembly.PROPEL CONTROL LEVER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 4. Propel Control Lever Assembly.Figure 5. Propel Control Lever Installation.Figure 6. Propel Control Lever InstallationPROPEL CONTROL LEVER VIBRATORY SYSTEM ENGAGEMENT STOPS ADJUSTMENTFigure 1. Engagement Stops Adjustment.Figure 2. Engagement Stops Adjustment.Figure 3. Engagement Stops Adjustment.PROPEL CONTROL LEVER TENSION ADJUSTMENTPROPEL CONTROL LEVER TENSION ADJUSTMENT - ContinuedPROPEL AND VIBRATORY VALVE TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTSFigure 1. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 2. Valve Tests and Adjustments.REVERSE MAIN RELIEF VALVE PRESSURE TEST - ContinuedFigure 3. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 4. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 5. Valve Tests and Adjustments.FORWARD MAIN RELIEF VALVE PRESSURE TEST - ContinuedFigure 7. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 8. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 9. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 10. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 12. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 13. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 14. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 15. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 17. Valve Tests and Adjustments.Figure 18. Valve Tests and Adjustments.DAMPED CONTROL HEAD ADJUSTMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Pressure Override Relief Valve Pressure Test.Figure 2. Pressure Override Relief Valve Pressure Test.PROPEL AND SPEED CONTROL VALVE REPAIRFigure 1. Propel and Speed Control Valve Disassembly.Figure 2. Propel and Speed Control Valve AssemblyHYDRAULIC PUMP DRIVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Pump Drive Removal.Figure 2. Hydraulic Pump Drive Installation.FRONT AND REAR PROPEL GEARBOX SERVICEFigure 1. Propel Gearbox Service.Figure 2. Propel Gear Service.Figure 3. Propel Gearbox Service.FRONT AND REAR PROPEL GEARBOX SERVICE - ContinuedSEPARATE AND CONNECT PROPEL MOTOR AND TORQUE HUBFigure 2. Propel Motor and Torque Hub Separate.Figure 3. Propel Motor and Start Hub Connect.Figure 4. Propel Motor and Start Hub Connect.UNIVERSAL JOINT AND SHAFT MAINTENANCEUNIVERSAL JOINT AND SHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 1. Universal Joint and Shaft Disassembly.UNIVERSAL JOINT AND SHAFT MAINTENANCE - ContinuedFigure 2. Universal Joint and Shaft AssemblyBRAKE CONTROL VALVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Brake Control Valve Removal.Figure 2. Brake Control Valve Removal.Figure 4. Brake Control Valve Removal.Figure 6. Brake Control Valve Removal.Figure 8. Brake Control Valve Removal.Figure 9. Brake Control Valve Installation.Figure 11. Brake Control Valve Installation.Figure 13. Brake Control Valve Installation.Figure 15. Brake Control Valve Installation.BRAKE CONTROL VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedBRAKE CONTROL VALVE REPAIRFigure 1. Brake Control Valve Disassembly.Figure 2. Brake Control Valve Assembly.BRAKE CONTROL VALVE REPAIR - ContinuedBRAKE HOSES, LINES, AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Inspection.Figure 2. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 3. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 5. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 7. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 8. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 9. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 11. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 13. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 15. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 17. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 19. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 21. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 22. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 23. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 24. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 25. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 26. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 27. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 29. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 31. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 32. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 34. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 35. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 36. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 38. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 40. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 42. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 43. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 44. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 45. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 47. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 48. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 49. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 51. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Replacement.Figure 53. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 55. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 57. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 59. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.Figure 60. Brake Hoses, Lines, and Fittings Replacement.MANUAL BRAKE RELEASE PUMP MAINTENANCEFigure 1. Manual Brake Release Pump Removal.Figure 2. Manual Brake Release Pump RemovalFigure 4. Manual Brake Release Pump Removal.Figure 5. Manual Brake Release Pump Disassembly.CLEANING AND INSPECTIONFigure 6. Manual Brake Release Pump AssemblyFigure 7. Manual Brake Release Pump Installation.Figure 8. Manual Brake Release Pump Installation.Figure 9. Manual Brake Release Pump Installation.MANUAL BRAKE RELEASE PUMP MAINTENANCE - ContinuedBRAKE CONTROL VALVE COIL REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Brake Control Valve Coil Removal.Figure 2. Brake Control Valve Coil Installation.STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Steering Wheel and Column Removal.Figure 2. Steering Wheel and Column RemovalFigure 3. Steering Wheel and Column Installation.Figure 4. Steering Wheel and Column Installation.