CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION COMPONENT IDENTIFICATIONWARRANTIESWARRANTIES (Continued)SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140009GENERAL INFORMATION - TM-5-3895-346-140010Safety PrecautionsCHAPTER II OPERATIONS THEORY OF OPERATIONSAFETYTO START ENGINEENGINE SHUTDOWNROLLER OPERATIONSENGINE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSOPERATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140018FIRST STARTOil PressureSTOPPING - TM-5-3895-346-140021OPERATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140022OPERATING CONTROLS - TM-5-3895-346-140023Figure 1. Operating Control LocationsOPERATING CONTROLS - TM-5-3895-346-140025ROLLING INSTRUCTIONSCHAPTER III PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesOPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES - TM-5-3895-346-140029OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES cont'dOPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES - TM-5-3895-346-140031OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES - TM-5-3895-346-140032OPERATOR/CREW PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES - TM-5-3895-346-140033LUBRICATION CHART - TM-5-3895-346-140034Figure 1. Lubricating PointsLUBRICATION CHART - TM-5-3895-346-140036Figure 2. Lubrication PlateLUBRICATION CHART - TM-5-3895-346-140038LUBRICATION CHART - TM-5-3895-346-140039Figure 3 . Roller Lubricating PointsFigure 4. Roll Position For Checking Oil Level.LUBRICATION CHART - TM-5-3895-346-140042ROLLER MAINTENANCE - TM-5-3895-346-140043Air Cleaner Service ProcedureEccentric Shaft Oil Seal ReplacementROLLER MAINTENANCE - TM-5-3895-346-140046Removal and Replacement of R.H. Eccentric Shaft BearingArticulated Hinged JointCLEARANCES AND TORQUE SPECIFICATIONSPRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONThe Two-Cycle Principle cont'dGENERAL DESCRIPTIONFigure 2. In-line Engine Model Description, Rotation, and Accessory ArrangementsFigure 3. Cylinder Designation and Firing OrderENGINE OVERHAUL - TM-5-3895-346-140055Rinsing BathENGINE OVERHAUL - TM-5-3895-346-140057ENGINE OVERHAUL - TM-5-3895-346-140058Figure 6. Cross Sections of a Typical In-Line EngineFigure 7. Typical Fan-To-Flywheel Unit (4-53)CYLINDER BLOCK - TM-5-3895-346-140061Figure 3. Cylinder Head Gaskets and Seals in Place on Cylinder BlockFigure 5. Vertical Oil Passages in Top of Cylinder BlockFigure 6. Lifting Engine with Spreader and SlingMETHOD AMETHOD BFigure 9. Checking Cylinder Block Bore with ToolFigure 11. Typical Cylinder Block MarkingsAssemble and Install EngineAssemble and Install Engine cont'dCYLINDER BLOCK END PLATEFigure 1. Cylinder Block Rear End Plate Mounting (In-Line Engine)Inspection - TM-5-3895-346-140073Figure 1. Typical Four-Valve Cylinder HeadENGINE OVERHAUL - TM-5-3895-346-140075Remove Cylinder HeadDisassemble Cylinder HeadFluorescent Penetrant MethodFigure 3. Checking Bottom Face of Cylinder Head War PageAssemble Cylinder HeadPreinstallation InspectionPreinstallation Inspection cont'dFigure 7 . Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening SequenceENGINE OVERHAUL - TM-5-3895-346-140084VALVE AND INJECTOR OPERATING MECHANISMRemove Rocker Arms and ShaftRemove Can Follower and Push Rod (with Cylinder Read on Engine)Inspection - TM-5-3895-346-140088Figure 5. Testing Cam Follower SpringVALVE OPERATING MECHANISM - TM-5-3895-346-140090Install Cam Follower and Push RodVALVE OPERATING MECHANISM - TM-5-3895-346-140092Install Rocker Arms and ShaftFigure 11. Relationship Between Exhaust Valve Bridge and Valve StemsEXHAUST VALVES - TM-5-3895-346-140095Remove Exhaust Valve Spring (Cylinder Head Installed)Figure 3. Testing Valve Spring Using Tool J 22738-02EXHAUST VALVES - TM-5-3895-346-140098Replace Exhaust Valve GuideFigure 7. Valve Guide Installing ToolsFigure 9. Removing Valve Seat InsertFigure 10. Installing Valve Seat InsertFigure 13. Relationship Between Exhaust Valve, Insert, and Cylinder HeadFigure 14. Grinding Wheel DressingFigure 16. Former and Current Design Exhaust Valves (Four-Valve Head)Figure 17. Current Valve Guide Oil SealFigure 18. Checking Valve Opening Pressure with Gage J 25076-01VALVE ROCKER COVERCRANKSHAFT - TM-5-3895-346-140109Figure 2. Removing or Installing CrankshaftFigure 3. Typical Ridging of CrankshaftCRANKSHAFT - TM-5-3895-346-140112Figure 4. Critical Crankshaft Loading ZonesCrankshaft GrindingFigure 7. Crankshaft Journal FilletsFigure 8. Standard Dimensions at Crankshaft Thrust Surfaces - In-Line and V-Type EnginesFigure 9. Checking Crankshaft End PlayFigure 10. Crankshaft Distortion Measuring Gage Mounted on CrankshaftCRANKSHAFT OIL SEALSInspection - TM-5-3895-346-140120Oil SealsFigure 5. Installing Oil Seal in Flywheel HousingCRANKSHAFT MAIN BEARINGS - TM-5-3895-346-140123Figure 2. Removing Upper Main Bearing ShellFigure 4. Comparison of Main Bearing ShellsFigure 5. Main Bearing MeasurementsTABLE 1 - TM-5-3895-346-140127Figure 7. Crankshaft Thrust Washers in PlaceFigure 1. Engine Front Cover Mounting (Lower) - In-Line Engine Remove Engine Front CoverFigure 2. Installing Lower Engine Front Cover - In-Line EngineFigure 1. Removing Crankshaft Pulley Using Puller J 24420Figure 2. Installing CrankshaftFLYWHEEL - TM-5-3895-346-140133Inspection - TM-5-3895-346-140134Install FlywheelIMPORTANT - TM-5-3895-346-140136CLUTCH PILOT BEARINGENGINE DRIVE SHAFT FLEXIBLE COUPLINGFLYWHEEL HOUSING - TM-5-3895-346-140139Figure 2. Location of ShimFigure 3. Flywheel Housing BoltFigure 6. Checking Bore RunoutFigure 1. Typical Piston AssemblyRemove Piston and Connecting RodFigure 3. Cleaning PistonFigure 4. Comparison of Pistons Remove Bushings from PistonFigure 5. Removing or Installing Piston Pin BushingsPISTON AND PISTON RINGSFigure 9. Measuring Piston Ring GapOIL CONTROL RINGSCONNECTING ROD - TM-5-3895-346-140151CONNECTING ROD - TM-5-3895-346-140152Figure 3. Magnetic Particle Inspection Limits for Connecting RodCONNECTING ROD - TM-5-3895-346-140154Assemble Connecting Rod to PistonCONNECTING ROD - TM-5-3895-346-140156CONNECTING ROD BEARINGSInspection - TM-5-3895-346-140158Install Connecting Rod Bearing ShellsCYLINDER LINERInspect Cylinder LinerFitting Cylinder Liner in Block BoreFigure 5. Cylinder Liner Measurement DiagramInstall Piston and Connecting Rod AssemblyInstall Cylinder Liner, Piston, and Connecting Rod AssemblyFigure 10. Installing Piston, Rod, and Liner Assembly in Cylinder BlockInstall Cylinder Liner, Piston, and Connecting Rod Assembly cont'dENGINE BALANCE AND BALANCE WEIGHTSFigure 1. Removing Front Balance Weight (Pulley Type)GEAR TRAIN AND ENGINE TIMINGLubrication - TM-5-3895-346-140171Check Engine Timing cont'dTABLE 1 - TM-5-3895-346-140173CAMSHAFT, BALANCE SHAFT, AND BEARINGSLubrication - TM-5-3895-346-140175Remove Camshaft (Flywheel Housing and Transmission in Place)Figure 3.. Removing Camshaft GearFigure 4. Checking Cam Lobe WearFigure 5. Removing End BearingInstall Intermediate and/or Center Camshaft BearingsFigure 6. Installing Intermediate Camshaft BearingFigure 8. Location of Notch in Relation to Shaft Bore CenterlineFigure 9. Removing and Replacing Camshaft or Balance Shaft BearingsFigure 10. Camshaft and Balance Shaft Details and Relative Location of PartsInstall Camshaft (Flywheel Housing and Transmission in Place)CAMSHAFT AND BAIANCE SHAFT GEARSFigure 2. Installing Camshaft GearIDLER GEAR AND BEARING ASSEMBLYInstall Idler Gear and Beariug AssemblyFigure 3. Idler Gear Details and Relative Location of PartsCRANKSHAFT TIMING GEARFigure 2. Installing Crankshaft Timing Gear.BLOWER DRIVE GEAR AND SUPPORT ASSEMBLYFigure 2. Pressing Blower Drive Gear From ShaftFigure 4. Pressing Blower Drive Gear On ShaftENGINE FRONT COVER (Upper)Figure 1. In-Line Engine Upper Front CoverCYLIDER BLOCKFigure 1. Using Plastic Strip to Measure Bearing-to-Crankshaft ClearanceEXHAUST VALVETROUBLESHOOTING - TM-5-3895-346-140201SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140202Pistons and Rings - TM-5-3895-346-140203Connecting Rod BearingIdler GearValve Guides - TM-5-3895-346-140206STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140207EXCEPTIONS TO STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140208STANDARD PIPE PLUG TORQUE SPECIFICATIONSSERVICE TOOLS - TM-5-3895-346-140210Flywheel - TM-5-3895-346-140211TOOL NAMEFUEL SYSTEM - TM-5-3895-346-140213FUEL INJECTOR - TM-5-3895-346-140214Figure 3. Fuel Metering from No Load to Full Load.FUEL INJECTOR - TM-5-3895-346-140216General Instructions for Injector Care and OverhaulFUEL INJECTOR - TM-5-3895-346-140218Remove InjectorInjector Control Rack and Plunger Movement TestFigure 10. Unusable Injector PlungersClamping the Fuel InjectorInjector High-Pressure TestUnclamping the InjectorSpray Tip TestNeedle Valve Tip Test (Using Auxiliary Tester J22640)Fuel Output TestCalibrator J 22410Figure 19. Fuel Output Chart.Figure 22. Setting Calibrator Stroke Counter.Clean Injector PartsFigure 27. Cleaning Injector Spray Tip with Tool J2438Figure 29. Cleaning Injector Body Ring with Tool J21089Inspect Injector PartsLapping Injector PartsASSEMBLE INJECTORAssemble Rack and GearsAssemble Spray Tip, Spring Cage and Check Valve AssembliesAssemble Plunger and FollowerCheck Spray Tip ConcentricityTest Reconditioned InjectorFigure 44. Relationship Between Exhaust Valve Bridge and Valve Stems.ENGINE OVERHAUL - TM-5-3895-346-140243FUEL INJECTOR TUBEReam Injector TubeFigure 4. Reaming Injector Tube for Injector Body Nut and Spray TipFigure 6. Measuring Relationship of Bevel Seat in Injector Tube to Cylinder Head Fire DeckFUEL PUMP - TM-5-3895-346-140248Figure 2. Fuel Pump Valving and Rotation (Right Hand Pump Shown).FUEL PUMP - TM-5-3895-346-140250Figure 4. Removing Oil SealsFigure 5. Fuel Pump Details and Relative Location of Parts (Right Hand Pump Shown)Figure 6. Installing Inner Oil SealInstall Fuel PumpFUEL STRAINER AND FUEL FILTERReplace Fuel Strainer or Filter ElementFigure 4. Fuel Filter Details and Relative Location of PartsFUEL STRAINER AND FILTERFilter ReplacementMECHANICAL GOVERNORSCheck Governor Operation cont'dVARIABLE SPEED MECHANICAL GOVERNORLubrication - TM-5-3895-346-140263Disassemble Weight Shaft AssemblyAssemble Control HousingVARIABLE SPEED GOVERNORInstall GovernorFUEL INJECTOR CONTROL TUBEFigure 1. Injector Control Tube Assembly (Non-Spring Loaded-In-line Engine)INJECTOR CONTROL TUBEFUEL SYSTEM - TM-5-3895-346-140271CHECKING INJECTOR TESTER J 23010 OR J 9787Figure 2. Refinishing Lapping BlocksSHOP NOTESREFINISHING INJECTOR FOLLOWER FACEFUEL LEAK DETECTIONPoints to RememberTROUBLESHOOTING - TM-5-3895-346-140278Figure 1. Measuring Fuel FlowChart 1Chart 2Chart 3 - TM-5-3895-346-140282Chart 4Chart 5Chart 6SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS EXCEPTIONS TO STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140287SERVICE TOOLS - TM-5-3895-346-140288SERVICE TOOLS cont'dAIR INTAKE SYSTEMAIR SHUTDOWN HOUSINGFigure 2. Installing Air Shutoff Valve Spring and ValveFigure 3. Location of Air Shutdown Housing Mounting Bolts (In-Line Engines)Figure 1. Blower MountingFigure 2. Removing Blower Rotor GearsFigure 3. Typical Blower Details and Relative Location of PartsInspection - TM-5-3895-346-140297Figure 4. End Plate Machining DifferencesFigure 7. Installing Blower Rotors in Front-End PlateFigure 9. Installing Rear End PlateFigure 11. Measuring Rotor Lobe to Housing ClearanceFigure 12. Minimum Blower Rotor ClearanceInstall BlowerSHOP NOTES - TROUBLESHOOTING - SPECIFICATIONS - SERVICE TOOLSFigure 2. Install Cutting Tool in HolderFigure 4. End Plate Oil DrainAIR INTAKE SPECIFICATIONS - SERVICE TOOLSSTANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140308EXCEPTIONS TO STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140309SERVICE TOOLS - TM-5-3895-346-140310LUBRICATION SYSTEM - TM-5-3895-346-140311Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of Typical In-Line Engine Lubrication SystemLubricating System MaintenanceLUBRICATING OIL PUMPFigure 3. Measuring Rotor ClearanceFigure 4. Measuring Clearance from Face of Pump Body to Side of RotorFigure 5. Oil Pump Details and Relative Location of Parts (Current)Figure 7. Removing Oil Pump Drive GearLUBRICATING OIL PRESSURE REGULATORLUBRICATING OIL FILTERSReplace Oil Filter ElementFigure 2. Full-Flow Oil Filter Details and Relative Location of PartsLUBRICATING OIL COOLERPressure Check Oil Cooler CoreFigure 2. Oil Cooler Details and Relative Location of PartsOIL LEVEL DIPSTICKOIL PAN - TM-5-3895-346-140327OIL PAN - TM-5-3895-346-140328VENTILATING SYSTEM - TM-5-3895-346-140329VENTILATING SYSTEM - TM-5-3895-346-140330STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140331EXCEPTIONS TO STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140332SERVICE TOOLS - TM-5-3895-346-140333COOLING SYSTEM - TM-5-3895-346-140334ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM MAINTENANCEDrain Cooling SystemMiscellaneous Cooling System ChecksCOOLING SYSTEM - TM-5-3895-346-140338COOLING SYSTEM cont'dWATER PUMP - TM-5-3895-346-140340Figure 3. Removing PulleyFigure 5. Pressing Shaft Assembly into Water PumpInstall Water PumpWATER PUMP IDLER PULLEY ASSEMBLYFigure 3. Installing Shaft and Bearing Assembly in Idler PulleyTHERMOSTATInstall ThermostatFigure 1. Typical Radiator Mounting (In-Line Engine)Cleaning Radiator cont'dCOOLANT PRESSURE CONTROL CAPENGINE COOLING FANFan Belt AdjustmentENGINESFigure 6. Spindle-Type Fan Hub AssemblyINSPECTION cont'dIN-LINE ENGINESInstall Fan, Hub, and Adjusting BracketCOOLANT FILTER AND CONDITIONERFilter MaintenanceServiceCOOLANT SYSTEMFigure 2 . Location of Fan Hub Grease Fitting and Relief ValveSTANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140363EXCEPTIONS TO STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140364SERVICE TOOLS - TM-5-3895-346-140365EXHAUST SYSTEMEXHAUST MANIFOLD - TM-5-3895-346-140367Figure 2 . Exhaust Manifold with Marmon FlangeELECTRICAL SYSTEM - TM-5-3895-346-140369BATTERY-CHARGING ALTERNATORRemove AlternatorALTERNATOR PRECAUTIONSRegulator AC CHARGING CIRCUITCONTROL RELAYTRANSISTORIZED REGULATORTRANSISTOR REGULATORFigure 2. Transistor Regulator (Negative Ground Circuits Only)REGULATOR PRECAUTIONS cont'dSTORAGE BATTERYServicing the BatterySTARTING MOTOR - TM-5-3895-346-140381Lubrication - TM-5-3895-346-140382Install Starting MotorINSTRUMENTS AND TACH01ETER DRIVEAmmeterTACHOMETER DRIVEENGINE PROTECTIVE SYSTEMSCHECK ENGINE STARTING SWITCHELECTRICAL SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTINGSTANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140390EXCEPTIONS TO STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140391ENGINE OPERATING CONDITIONS SPECIFICATIONSCompressionENGINE RUN-IN INSTRUCTIONSDYNAMOMETER TEST AND RUN-IN PROCEDURESRUN-IN INSTRUCTIONSBASIC RUN-IN INSPECTIONFINAL RUN-ININSPECTION AFTER FINAL RUN-INEngine Test ReportFUEL AND OIL SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140401DETROIT DIESEL FUEL OIL SPECIFICATIONSFUEL OIL SELECTION CHARTRECOMMENDATIONEMD (RR) OILSENGINE OIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMUsed Lube Oil Analysis Warning ValuesFUEL AND OIL SPECIFICATIONS - TM-5-3895-346-140408COOLANTFigure 1. Water CharacteristicsINHIBITOR SYSTEMSCOOLANT SPECIFICATIONSFigure 4. Coolant Freezing and Boiling Temperatures vs. Antifreeze Concentration (Sea Level)GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONSENGINE TUNEUP PROCEDURESENGINE TUNEUPEMISSION REGULATIONS FOR ON-HIGHWAY VEHICLE ENGINESTABLE 2 (1974-1976 Engines)TABLE 3 (1977 Engines)TABLE 4 (1978 Engines)TABLE 5. (1979 Engines)EXHAUST-VALVE CLEARANCE ADJUSTMENTValve Clearance Adjustment (Hot Engine)FUEL INJECTOR TIMINGTABLE 1 - TM-5-3895-346-140425GOVERNOR AND INJECTOR RACK CONTROL ADJUSTMENTPosition Injector Rack Control LeversAdjust Engine Idle SpeedAdjust Governor Booster SpringAdjust Engine Speed DroopLUBRICATION AND PRBEVENTIVE MAINTENANCEPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCEANNUALLYENGINE OVERHAUL - TM-5-3895-346-140434Item 1 Lubricating OilItem 3 Fuel LinesFigure 2. Items 4 and 12Figure 4. Item 7Figure 5. Item 8Figure 7. Item 13Figure 8. Item 16Over speed GovernorItem 27 Crankcase PressureFigure 12. Item 32TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-5-3895-346-140445Figure 1. Checking Compression PressureEngine Out of FuelExhaust-Back PressureFigure 2. Comparison of Column Height for Mercury and Water ManometersChart 1 EXHAUST SMOKE ANALYSISChart 2 HARD STARTINGChart 3 - TM-5-3895-346-140454ABNORMAL ENGINE OPERATIONSUGGESTED REMEDY - TM-5-3895-346-140456Chart 4 NO FUEL OR INSUFFICIENT FUELChart 5 SUGGESTED REMEDY - TM-5-3895-346-140460Chart 6 SUGGESTED REMEDY - TM-5-3895-346-140462Chart 7 SUGGESTED REMEDY - TM-5-3895-346-140464Chart 8 STORAGEPROCEDURE FOR RESTORING AN ENGINE TO SERVICE WHICH HAS BEEN IN EXTENDED STORAGEINTRODUCTION - TM-5-3895-346-140468HYDRAULIC CIRCUITSFigure 1. - TM-5-3895-346-140470Figure 2. - TM-5-3895-346-140471CHARGE PUMP CIRCUITFigure 3. - TM-5-3895-346-140473TYPICAL HEAVY DUTY VARIABLE PUMP-FIXED MOTOR TRANSMISSION SCHEMATICFigure 5. - TM-5-3895-346-140475Figure 6. - TM-5-3895-346-140476Figure 7. - TM-5-3895-346-140477CONTROLS - TM-5-3895-346-140478Figure 1. Displacement Control Valve Out of Neutral and Swashplate Moving Into StrokeFigure 3. Pressure Override ControlCONTROLS - TM-5-3895-346-140481Figure 4. Rotary Bypass ValveINSTALLATION AND PLUMBING - TM-5-3895-346-140483Figure 1. Plumbing Installation Variable Pump-Fixed MotorINSTALLATION AND PLUNBINGHYDROSTATIC SYSTEM - TM-5-3895-346-140486INSTALLATION AND PLUMBING - TM-5-3895-346-140487HYDROSTATIC SYSTEM - TM-5-3895-346-140488TRANSMISSION STARTUPHYDROSTATIC SYSTEM - TM-5-3895-346-140490FLUID RECOMMENDATIONSTROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE - TM-5-3895-346-140492Figure 1. Troubleshooting GagesFigure 2. Typical Gage Installation (PV-MF)TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURE - TM-5-3895-346-140495SYSTEM WILL NOT OPERATE IN EITHER DIRECTION cont'd - TM-5-3895-346-140496SYSTEM WILL NOT OPERATE IN EITHER DIRECTION cont'd - TM-5-3895-346-140497SYSTEM OPERATES IN ONE DIRECTION ONLYNEUTRAL DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO FINDNEUTRAL DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND Figure 3. - TM-5-3895-346-140501SYSTEM OPERATING HOT (MOTOR CASE TEMPERATURE ABOVE 180 )SYSTEM NOISYVARIABLE DISPLACEMENT MOTOR WILL NOT CHANGE DISPLACEMENTSYSTEM MAINTENACEREPAIR PROCEDUREREPLACEMENT OF CHECK VALVESREMOVAL OF MANIFOLDREPLACEMENT OF HIGH PRESSURE RELIEF VALVESREPLACEMENT OF DISPLACEMENT CONTROL VALVEREPLACEMENT OF MOTOR OR PUMP SHAFT SEALINSTALLATION - TM-5-3895-346-140512REPLACEMENT OF PRESSURE OVERRIDE VALVE AND DISPLACEMENT CONTROL VALVEREPLACEMENT OF ROTARY BYPASS VALVE AND MANIFOLD ASSEMBLYREPAIR - TM-5-3895-346-140515FIXED DISPLACEMENT MOTOR REPAIRMinor Repairs - TM-5-3895-346-140517Figure 6. - TM-5-3895-346-140518Figure 10. - TM-5-3895-346-140519Figure 14. - TM-5-3895-346-140520Figure 18. - TM-5-3895-346-140521Major RepairsFigure 5. - TM-5-3895-346-140523Figure 9. - TM-5-3895-346-140524Figure 13. - TM-5-3895-346-140525Figure 17.Figure 21.Figure 25.Figure 29. - TM-5-3895-346-140529MOTOR PARTS IDENTIFICATIONFigure 31. Fixed Displacement MotorPUMP REPAIRMinor Repairs - TM-5-3895-346-140533Figure 6. - TM-5-3895-346-140534Figure 10. - TM-5-3895-346-140535Figure 14. - TM-5-3895-346-140536Figure 18. - TM-5-3895-346-140537Figure 23. - TM-5-3895-346-140538Figure 27. - TM-5-3895-346-140539Major RepairFigure 5. - TM-5-3895-346-140541Figure 9. - TM-5-3895-346-140542Figure 13. - TM-5-3895-346-140543Figure 19.Figure 23. - TM-5-3895-346-140545Figure 29. - TM-5-3895-346-140546Figure 34.Figure 38.Figure 44.Figure 48.Figure 52. - TM-5-3895-346-140551Figure 56.Figure 60.Figure 64.PUMP PARTS IDENTIFICATIONFigure 69. Variable Displacement PumpINSTALLATION TORQUE VALUES (FT LB) BY SERIESPOWER STEERINGDESCRIPTIONTYPICAL MODEL CODE BREAKDOWNOPERATIONFigure 1. VTM27 Pump-Cutaway ViewFigure 5. - TM-5-3895-346-140563CAUTIONINSTALLATION - TM-5-3895-346-140565Viscosity - TM-5-3895-346-140566GradeSERVICE, INSPECTION, AND MAINTENANCETROUBLESHOOTING CHARTPUMPS MAKING NOISEPUMP OVERHAULFigure 7. VTM27, VTM28, VTM40, VTM41, and VTM42 Pump Exploded ViewsShaft EndCover and CartridgePUMP TESTINGSTEERING CONTROL - TM-5-3895-346-140576STEERING CONTROL - TM-5-3895-346-140577STEERING CONTROL cont'dSTEERING CONTROL REMOVALSTEERING CONTROL REMOVAL cont'dSTEERING CONTROL DISASSEMBLYFigure 6. - TM-5-3895-346-140582Figure 10. - TM-5-3895-346-140583Figure 14. - TM-5-3895-346-140584Figure 18. - TM-5-3895-346-140585Figure 22.STEERING CONTROL REASSEMBLYFigure 27. - TM-5-3895-346-140588Figure 32Figure 36.Figure 40.Figure 43.Figure 47.Figure 52. - TM-5-3895-346-140594Figure 55.BREAKSHOE REPLACEMENTFigure 2. - TM-5-3895-346-140597Figure 5. - TM-5-3895-346-140598LUG NUTSCHECKSRECOMMENDED PROCEDURE FOR REPLACING STUDSFigure 3. - TM-5-3895-346-140602TOOLS TO USE IN TIGHTENING CAP NUTSFigure 7. - TM-5-3895-346-140604Figure 8. - TM-5-3895-346-140605PLANETARY AXLESDISASSEMBLY OF PLANETARY OUTER ENDSDISASSEMBLE THE PLANETARY ASSEMBLYFigure 7. - TM-5-3895-346-140609Figure 10. - TM-5-3895-346-140610REMOVE THE WHEEL HUB AND DRUM ASSEMBLYFigure 15.PREPARE FOR REASSEMBLYREPAIR - TM-5-3895-346-140614REASSEMBLE PIANETARY OUTER ENDINSTALL BRAKE ASSEMBLIESREASSEMBLY - TM-5-3895-346-140617ASSEMBLE PLANETARY SPIDERREASSEMBLY - TM-5-3895-346-140619TABULATION OF TORQUE LIMITSBOLTS AND STUD NUTSFigure 1. - TM-5-3895-346-140622DRIVE UNITIMPORTANT - TM-5-3895-346-140624DRIVE CARE AND MAINTENANCEFigure 8. - TM-5-3895-346-140626ROUGH PARTSREPAIR - TM-5-3895-346-140628Figure 11.Figure 2. - TM-5-3895-346-140630Spiral Bevel - Tapered ShaftASSEMBLE DIFFERENTIAL AND BEVEL GEARDIFFERENTIAL BEARING PRELOAD AND GEAR LASH ADJUSTMENTSFigure 10. - TM-5-3895-346-140634INSTALL CAGE AND DIFFERENTIAL ASSEMBLIESLUBRICATION - TM-5-3895-346-140636APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140637APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140638APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140639APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140640APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140641APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140642APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140643APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140644APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140645APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140646APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140647APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140648APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140649APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART ROLLER, VIBRATORY, SELF-PROPELLED HIGH IMPACT, SINGLE SMOOTH DRUM (CCE) - TM-5-3895-346-140650TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS - TM-5-3895-346-140651TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS - TM-5-3895-346-140652APPENDIX B BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - TM-5-3895-346-140653APPENDIX C MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING SUPPLY LISTAPPENDIX D FABRICATED TOOLSFigure - TM-5-3895-346-140656Figure - TM-5-3895-346-140657Figure - TM-5-3895-346-140658Figure - TM-5-3895-346-140659TM-5-3895-346-14 - index