TM 5-3895-346-14
Figure 3.. Removing Camshaft Gear
Do not remove the puller or the adaptor plate until the camshaft is reinstalled.. The adaptor plate, secured to
both the flywheel housing and the camshaft gear, will hold the gear securely in place and in alignment which
will aid in the reinstallation of the camshaft.
11.. Pull the camshaft from the cylinder block.
Disassemble Camshaft or Balance Shaft
1.. Remove the gear from the shaft.. Refer to Camshaft and Gears.
2.. Remove the end plugs from the camshaft, to facilitate the removal of any foreign material lodged
behind the plugs, as follows:
a.. Clamp the camshaft in a vise equipped with soft jaws, being careful not to damage the cam lobes
or machined surfaces of the shaft.
b.. Make an indentation in the center of the camshaft end plug with a 31/64-inch drill (carboloy tip).
c.. Punch a hole as deeply as possible with a center punch to aid in breaking through the hardened
surface of the plug.
d.. Then drill a hole straight through the center of the plug with a 1/4-inch drill (carboloy tip).
e.. Use the 1/4-inch drilled hole as a guide and redrill the plug with a 5/16-inch drill (carboloy tip).
f.. Tap the drilled hole with a 3/8-16 tap.
g.. Thread a 3/8-16 adaptor J 64712 into the plug.. Then attach slide hammer J 2619-5 to the adaptor
and remove the plug by striking the weight against the handle.
h.. Insert a length of 3/8-inch steel rod in the camshaft oil gallery and drive the remaining plug out.
If a steel rod is not available, remove the remaining plug as outlined in steps a through g.
Soak the camshaft in clean fuel oil. Then run a wire brush through the oil gallery to remove any foreign
material or sludge. Clean the exterior of the camshaft and blow out the oil gallery and the oilholes with
compressed air. Clean the gears, camshaft bearings, and related parts with fuel oil and dry them with
compressed air.
Inspect the cams and journals for wear or scoring. If the cams are scored, inspect the cam rollers as outlined in
Valve operating Mechanism.