TM 5-3895-346-14
Lubricants qualified for use in Electro-Motive Division (EMD) diesel engines may be used in Detroit Diesel
engines provided the sulfated ash (ASTM D-874) content does not exceed 1.000% by weight. These lubricants
are frequently desired for use in applications where both Detroit Diesel and Electro-Motive powered units are
operated. These fluids may be described as SAE-40 lubricants that possess medium Viscosity Index properties
and do not contain any zinc additives.
Synthetic lubricants may be used in Detroit Diesel engines provided the ash limit, zinc requirements, and
specified oil performance levels (for example, CD/SE or MIL-L-2104B, etc.) shown elsewhere in this
specification are met. Viscosity grades 15W-40 or SAE-40 or SAE-30 are recommended.
Detroit Diesel Allison has referred to evidence of satisfactory performance in its lubricant specifications. Detroit
Diesel Allison uses controlled field test oil evaluation programs to determine the performance of lubricants.
The following briefly describes one method Detroit Diesel Allison uses to evaluate lubricating oil performance.
This method may be used as a guideline for oil suppliers with candidate lubricants for Detroit Diesel engines.
1. Select five highway truck (72,000 lbs GCW) units in the same fleet powered by Detroit Diesel engines.
Operate these on the candidate 15W-40 motor oil for 200,000 miles.
2. Select five "sister" highway trucks in the same fleet to operate on a reference SAE-30 or SAE-40 grade
lubricant having a history of good performance in Detroit Diesel engines.
3. Operate the 10 oil test engines for 200,000 miles each. Monitor the oil and fuel consumption during the
test period. Record any serious mechanical problems experienced. Disassemble all ten engines at the
conclusion of the 200,000 mile period and compare the following:
Ring sticking tendencies and/or ring conditions.
Piston skirt and cylinder liner scuffing.
Exhaust valve face and stem deposits.
Overall wear levels.
4. The results obtained from a new candidate 15W-40 lubricant should be comparable to or better than those
obtained from SAE 30 or 40 oils.