TM 5-3895-346-14
The clutch pilot bearing is pressed into the bore of the flywheel assembly and serves as a support for the inner
end of the clutch drive shaft.
On most applications, the clutch pilot bearing is held in place on one side by a shoulder in the flywheel and on
the other side by a bearing retainer.
On certain applications, the clutch pilot bearing is held in place on one side by a bearing retainer, placed
between the flywheel and the end of the crankshaft, and on the other side by the flywheel-bolt scuff plate.
A single-shielded ball-type clutch pilot bearing should be packed with an all-purpose grease such as Shell
Alvania No. 2, or equivalent, if not previously packed by the manufacturer. A double-sealed clutch, ball-type
pilot bearing is prepacked with grease and requires no further lubrication.
Remove Clutch Pilot Bearing (Transmission Removed)
With the flywheel attached to the crank- shaft, the clutch pilot bearing may be removed as follows:
Remove the flywheel attaching bolts and scuff plate while holding the flywheel in position by hand,
then reinstall two bolts to hold the flywheel in place.
When removing or installing the attaching bolts, hold the flywheel firmly against
the crank- shaft by hand to prevent it from slipping off the end of the crankshaft.
The flywheel is NOT doweled to the crankshaft. 2. With the clutch pilot bearing
remover adaptor J 23907-2 attached to slide hammer J 23907-1, insert the fingers
of the adaptor through the pilot bearing and tighten the thumbscrew to expand the
fingers against the inner race of the bearing.
Tap the slide hammer against the shoulder on the shaft and pull the pilot bearing out of the
Wipe the prepacked, double-sealed bearing clean on the outside and inspect it. SHIELDED BEARINGS MUST
NOT BE WASHED; dirt may be washed in and the cleaning fluid could not be entirely removed from the
bearing. Clean the other types of bearing thoroughly with clean fuel oil and dry them with compressed air.
Check the bearing for free rolling by holding the inner race and revolving the outer race slowly by hand. Rough
spots in the bearing are sufficient cause for rejecting it.
Install Clutch Pilot Bearing
Lubricate the outside diameter of the bearing with clean engine oil.
Start the pilot bearing straight into the bore of the flywheel, with the numbered side of the bearing
facing away from the crankshaft.
Place bearing installer J 3154-04, with suitable adapter plates, against the pilot bearing. Then drive
the bearing straight into and against the shoulder in the flywheel.
Install the flywheel as outlined in Flywheel.