TM 5-3895-346-14
Alignment of the cross slot in the drive with valleys between the teeth of the meter-
gear star determines proper valve timing of the unit. There are 12 teeth on the
spline and six pump teeth on the star. Alignment is exactly right in six positions
and exactly wrong in six positions. If the parts slip out of position during this part
of the as- sembly, repeat until you are certain that correct alignment is obtained
(refer to Fig. 48).
Place the spacer in position within the end of the meter-gear star (refer to Fig. 52). (No spacer used on B size
displacement units.) If the spacer does not drop flush with the gear surface, the drive has not properly en-
gaged the cross pin-recheck. Place the meter end cap over the assembly and install two capscrews, finger-
tight, to maintain alignment of the parts (refer to Fig. 53). Install all seven cap- screws and bring them
gradually and evenly to 12.5 lb ft (16.94 Nm) torque. (Refer to Fig. 54.)
Check the condition of the column as- sembly, clean it, and replace on the unit with two capscrews oriented as
before. Rotate the steering shaft while bringing the surfaces into con- tact to allow splines to engage (refer to
Fig. 55). If in doubt, follow the orientation as shown. Tighten cap- screws to 23 lb ft (31 Nm) torque. (Refer to
Fig. 56.)
The unit is now ready to be returned to service.
To service earlier units, follow a similar procedure. In units with a hat-shaped check plug, use gasket no.
20911 between the housing and the mounting plate. Insure that each part is smooth and clean by rubbing on
400- grit abrasive paper before cleaning for reassembly
Figure 52.
Figure 53.
Figure 54