TM 5-3895-346-14
2. Rotate the injector 360 and note the total
runout as indicated on the dial.
3. If the total runout exceeds 0.008 inch,
remove the injector from the gage. Loosen the
injector nut, center the spray tip, and tighten the
nut to 75-85 lb ft (102-115 Nm) torque.
Recheck the spray tip concentricity. If, after
several attempts, the spray tip cannot be
positioned satisfactorily, replace the injector nut.
Test Reconditioned Injector
Before placing a reconditioned injector in
service, perform all of the tests (except the
visual inspection of the plunger) previously
Figure 42. Installing Injector Following
outlined under Test Injector.
Stop Pin
The injector is satisfactory if it passes these
tests. Failure to pass any one of the tests
indicates that defective or dirty parts have been
assembled. In this case, disassemble, clean,
inspect, reassemble, and test the injector again.
Install Injector
Before installing an injector in an engine,
remove the carbon deposits from the beveled
seat of the injector tube in the cylinder head.
This will assure correct alignment of the injector
and prevent any undue stresses from being
exerted against the spray tip.
Use injector tube bevel reamer J 5286-9,
Injector Tube, to clean the carbon from the
injector tube. Exercise care to remove ONLY
the carbon so that the proper clearance between
the injector body and the cylinder head is
maintained. Pack the flutes of the reamer with
grease to retain the carbon removed from the
Figure 43. Checking Injector Spray
Tip Concentricity with
Tool J 5119.