TM 5-3895-346-14
to assist in this operation. The tool consists of a 60 inch length of 3-inch standard black iron pipe with a 1-inch
thick plate x 3 1/16 finished O.D. The plate has a 1 1/4-6NC 3 1/4 long grade 5 hex head bolt which is installed
in a drilled hole in the center of the plate and with the head of the bolt welded to the plate. The plate and bolt
assembly are welded in one end of the pipe. The plate and the bolt must be square with the pipe so that the
pipe tool may be screwed in squarely against the end of the eccentric shaft. A print of the above described
pipe tool, VRG-610, is available in appendix D.
After screwing the pipe tool in firmly against the end of the eccentric shaft, support the weight of the eccentric
shaft and bearing housing to avoid misalignment damage to the eccentric shaft and eccentric bearing housings.
To do this, take a strain on the pipe tool with a hoist at approximately halfway out the length of the pipe. Unbolt
the eccentric bearing housing from the roll head and remove from the roll head and eccentric shaft by
supporting the bearing housing with another hoist and a sling.
After completely removing the eccentric bearing housing with bearing from the roll, the bearing can now be
removed from the bearing housing in the following manner: Remove the bearing retainer and the four hex
socket setscrew plugs from the bearing housing. Replace the setscrews with four 3/4NC x 8 long heat treated
squarehead setscrews, and jack the bearing out of the housing evenly.
Replacement - To reassemble the eccentric bearing in the housing, place the housing in the press with the
bearing bore up and place the new bearing squarely in the starting bore of the housing. Next, place the bearing
retainer, centered on the bearing in the assembled position, with a thick plate on top of the bearing retainer to
provide a pressing surface. Center this assembly under the press ram as nearly as possible and begin slowly
pressing the bearing into the housing. Carefully observe and measure the width of the bearing outer race
pressed in the housing all around at intervals. If the bearing begins to cock in the housing, shift the assembly
so that the ram is pressing off center toward the high side, until the bearing is straightened in the housing.
Continue this process until the bearing is far enough in the housing to prevent further cocking, then press the
bearing to the bottom of the bore. Replace the bearing retainer plate.
Reassemble the eccentric bearing and housing on the eccentric shaft and in the roll in the reverse procedure as
described in the Removal instructions.
The bearing inner race is self-aligning and the bore must be aligned perfectly with the eccentric shaft in order to
be easily slipped onto the shaft. Because of this bearing feature, it is very helpful to have an aligning tool
which works similar to the above described pipe and bolt tool, VRG-610. However, the main difference is that
this tool must have a segmented removal slip collar which fits inside the bearing housing hollow stub shaft. By
screwing this tool to the end of the eccentric shaft with the bearing and housing assembled on the tool, the
bearing bore as well as the bearing housing are positioned concentrically and squarely with the eccentric shaft.
By supporting the outer end of the tool with a hoist and aligning the bearing housing with the mating hole in the
end of the drum, the bearing housing with bearing may be slipped onto the eccentric shaft off of the tool and
into the drumhead. A print for this tool, VRF-325, may be obtained from Tampo on special request.