TM 5-3895-346-14
and open the draincock. Loosen the cover bolt
just enough to allow the fuel oil to drain out
freely. Then close the draincock.
The wiring harness, starting motor or other
electrical equipment must be shielded
during the filter change, since fuel oil can
permanently damage the electrical
2. While supporting the shell, unscrew the
cover bolt and remove the shell and element.
3. Remove and discard the filter element, shell
gasket, and the cover bolt gasket. Wash the
shell thoroughly with clean fuel oil and dry it with
compressed air.
4. Examine the element seat and the retaining
ring to make sure they have not slipped out of
place. Check the spring by pressing on the
element seat. When released, the seat must
return against the retaining ring.
Figure 4. Fuel Filter Details and
The element seat, spring, washer, and
Relative Location of Parts
seal cannot be removed from the strainer
shell. If necessary, the shell assembly
must be replaced.
However, the
components of the filter shell are
serviced. Examine the filter retainer seal
for cracks or hardening. If necessary,
replace the seal.
5. Place a new element over the center stud and push it down against the element seat. Make sure the drain-
cock is closed, then fill the shell about two-thirds full with clean fuel oil.
Thoroughly soak the density-type strainer element in clean fuel oil before installing it. This will expel any
air entrapped in the element and is conducive to a faster initial start.
6. Place a new shell gasket in the recess of the shell; also place a new gasket on the cover bolt.