TM 5-3895-346-14
The governor is lubricated by oil splashed from the engine gear train. The oil passes through the governor
weight housing to the shaft and weight assembly. The revolving weights distribute the oil to the various moving
parts of the governor. The surplus oil drains back to the engine crankcase through holes in the governor
bearing retainer.
The clearance between the riser tube and the weight shaft has been reduced with the use of current governor
assemblies. To ensure adequate lubrication of the riser tube, an oil tube has been added between the oil
gallery in the cylinder block and the top of the weight housing to supply oil under pressure.
Remove Governor From Engine
Check the operation of the governor as outlined in Mechanical Governors before removing it from the engine.
If the governor fails to control the engine properly after performing these checks, it should be removed and
Refer to Fig. 1 and remove the governor as follows:
1. Disconnect the fuel rod from the stop lever.
2. Disconnect the throttle-control rod from the speed-control lever.
3. Disconnect the fuel lines and remove the fuel pump from the governor weight housing.
4. Remove the governor lubricating oil tube, if used.
5. Withdraw the five bolts from the weight housing and the two bolts from the control housing; then, remove
the governor and gasket from the engine.
Disassemble Weight Housing
1. Remove the governor drive gear retaining
nut. Then remove the gear, key, and spacer
from the shaft.
2. Remove the small flathead screw (Fig. 3)
which holds the bearing retainer in place.
3. Turn the bearing retainer until the large
opening is centered over the fork on the
governor operating shaft (Fig. 2).
4. Lift up on the weight shaft to provide
clearance for a 5/16-inch electrician's socket
wrench. Then remove the two retaining screws
and washers and withdraw the governor
operating fork.
Figure 2. Removing or Installing Operating
Shaft Fork
5. Remove the shaft and weight assembly from
the governor weight housing.
6. Inspect the bushing in the weight housing. If
the bushing is worn or pitted, press it out of the
housing and install a new bushing.