TM 5-3895-346-14
With the engine running and the forward-reverse and roller speed control in the neutral position, shift the gear
range transmission to the desired range. The forward-reverse lever may have to be jockeyed slightly to help
snap in the gear range transmission.
Release parking brake.
Before movement in any direction, check again to make sure area is clear all around roller.
Move the forward-reverse and roller speed control from its neutral position toward the desired direction of travel
until the desired roller speed is reached. Maintain engine rpm at 2200.
Do not operate the roller continuously above 180 hydraulic oil temperature. Should the roller be in travel or
high gear range and the oil temperature reaches 180 shift to the next lower gear range.
Should damage occur to the hydrostatic drive line, stop roller and shut off engine immediately. The foot
operated brakes are provided to ensure a safe stop in this event.
To stop roller, slowly move forward-reverse lever to neutral. The hydrostatic drive will provide all of the braking
needed for the normal stopping operation of the roller.
To reverse direction, move forward-reverse lever in the direction of travel desired.
Normal engine shutdown is accomplished by pulling out the T-handle marked PULL TO STOP, which cuts off
fuel supply, and turning off ignition key, which de-energizes circuit to starter.
Emergency engine button is accomplished by pulling out the T-handle marked EMERGENCY STOP, which
cuts off air supply to engine. Do not use this for normal cutoff.
Operate in compaction gear range.
Maintain engine speed at 2200 rpm.
Do not operate with hydraulic oil temperature above 180
Do not overheat engine coolant. Keep water temperature below 200
Do not attempt to change gear range without stopping roller.