and rear frames consists of a vertical coupling
to provide 35 degrees of centerpoint steering
and a horizontal coupling for 20 degrees of
oscillation between the frames. Loads are
carried on self-lubricating, non-metallic bush-
ings and thrust washers.
9-66. The horizontal coupling consists of two
(2) pins. Each pin turns in a bushing with a
thrust washer on each side.
9-67. The vertical coupling also consists of
two (2) pins and bushings, but only one thrust
washer is used with each pin. The washers are
located on the top side of the upper bushing
and on the bottom side of the lower bushing to
carry thrust loads.
9-66. REMOVAL.
NOTE: Make sure to mark the pins. Only the
two (2) vertical pins are identical.
FIGURE 9-73.
a. Block both ends of the front and rear
with a drift and hammer or a hydraulic jack. Be
careful not to damage the bushings.
CAUTION: Blocking of both ends of each half
is necessary because varying ballast
d. Using an overhead crane or a PortaPower,
distribution may cause the ends to
separate the two halves far enough so that the
tip either direction.
hitch can be removed.
b. Disconnect all hoses between the front
e. Using a tube with the same outer
a n d rear units. Disconnect the steering
diameter as the bushings and a hydraulic jack,
drive the bushings from the two (2) vertical pin
c. Remove the capscrews from the two
FIGURE 9-74.
FIGURE 9-72.