f. Support the hitch with blocks.
g. After removing the capscrews from the
horizontal pins, force out the pins by prying
with a bar between the pin heads and the
h. Lower and remove the hitch.
i. Inspect the bushings and remove them, if
necessary, the same way as the vertical
bushings (refer to step e).
a. Press bushings into all four (4) holes and
lubricate them with multi-purpose grease.
FIGURE 9-76.
h. Install the lock washers and capscrews.
b. Apply grease to two (2) thrust washers
and attach them to each side of the forward
i. Carefully align the top hole and drive the
lubricated pin with washer Into place using a
c. Raise the hitch so that the horizontal
drift and hammer.
holes in the hitch line up with the holes in the
j. Reconnect the hoses and the steering
mounting bosses.
d. Lubricate pins. Using a hydraulic jack,
force both horizontal pins into place. Be
k. Bleed the brakes at the wheel cylinders,
careful that they do not bind.
and replenish any lost hydraulic oil. Fill tank to
the top of the sight gauge.
e. Install the lock washers and capscrews.
f. Move the two (2) halves together so that
the vertical pin holes on the front unit line up
g. Lubricate and force the bottom vertical
pin with the washer Into place with a hydraulic
FIGURE 9-75.