to the inlet side of the pump and relief flow to
the outlet side of the filter.
9-78. When the steering wheel is turned, the
c o n t r o l unit meters fluid to the steering
cylinders. When the compactor is turned, one
piston is extended and the other retracted.
Because of the hose routing between the
cylinders, fluid enters the rod end of one
c y l i n d e r and the base end of the other
cylinder. The return fluid flows to the control
unit, where it is routed to the filter. Relief flow
from the flow divider joins the filtered flow and
9-73. STEERING -
returns to the tank.
9-79. STEERING PUMP (Detroit Diesel).
9-74. GENERAL.
9-75. The steering system for a C530A
9-80. GENERAL.
equipped with the Detroit Diesel engine is
basically the same as its gasoline engine
counterpart, except for the hydraulic pump and
9-81. The steering pump is a positive displace-
ment gear pump. It is located at the right rear
s c h e m a t i c view of the steering system
of the Detroit Diesel engine and is gear driven.
components and the connecting hoses.
9-82. The pump is made up of a housing, two
a rear cover. Pressure loading the front bearing
9-77. Fluid is transferred by the pump from the
assures correct gear-to-bearing clearance.
tank to the flow divider. Controlled flow is
During pump operation, pressurized oil is
routed to the steering control unit, excess flow
directed to an area between the front cover and
FIGURE 9-78.