s. Place the plate over this assembly so that
good condition. Insure that the mounting plate
the bolt holes in the plate align with the
seal grooves are clean and smooth. Each of
these seals is slightly larger than its seal
groove so that they will be adequately retained
t. Place the splined end of the drive within
in service. Push each gently into place and
the meter gear star so that the slot at the
smooth down into seal groove with finger tip
control end of the drive is in alignment with
the valleys between the meter gear teeth (see
o. The thin oil seal at the exterior of the
through the gear so that the spline extends
mounting plate is a dirt exclusion seal and
about one half its length beyond the meter
does not generally need replacement. If this is
gear star and hold it in this position while
replaced it should be pressed into the counter
installing into the unit. Note the position or
bore so that the lip is directed away from the
direction of the cross pin within the unit.
Rotate the meter gear star slightly to bring the
cross slot of the drive into engagement with
p. Place the mounting plate sub-assembly
the cross pin and the splined end of the drive
over the spool shaft and slide it down intoplace
will drop down against the plate (see figure
over the cap locator bushing smoothly so the
seals will not be disrupted in assembly (see
holes. Be certain that the mounting plate rests
CAUTION: Alignment of the cross slot in the
drive with alleys between the teeth
flush against end of housing assembly so that
of the meter gear star determines
the cap locator bushing is not cocked and
proper valve timing of the unit.
install four (4) mounting plate capscrews (see
There are twelve (12) teeth on the
specification. The spool and sleeve are flush or
spline and six (6) pump teeth on
slightly below the 14 hole surface of the
the star. Alignment is exactly right
in six (6) positions and exactly
wrong in six (6) positions. If the
r. Clean the upper surface of the housing by
parts slip out of position during
wiping with the back of a clean hand or the
this part of the assembly, repeat
butt of the thumb. Clean each of the flat
until you are certain that correct
surfaces of the meter section parts as it is
alignment is obtained (see figure
ready for assembly in a similar way (see figure
FIGURE 9-49.
FIGURE 9-50.
FIGURE 9-46.
FIGURE 9-45.
FIGURE 9-47.
FIGURE 9-48.
FIGURE 9-51.
FIGURE 9-52.