d. Start engine at 1,000 RPM for at least 10
minutes after the pump has been primed, then
check for abnormal hot spots. If any particular
area is hot, disassemble and inspect
f. Adjust pressure relief valve to specified
pressure. Operate the unit, turning it in one
direction, then in the other, several times.
Check for abnormal hot spots. If no hot spots
are felt, the unit may be placed in service.
Otherwise, disassemble, inspect and repair the
pump as necessary.
9-88. FLOW DIVIDER (Detroit Diesel).
9-89. GENERAL.
9-90. The flow divider is mounted on top of the
powershift transmission. Four hoses are routed
to and from the flow divider.
9-91. The unit consists of a body, a pressure-
compensated piston and a pilot operated relief
FIGURE 9-87.
9-92. Port "P" is for pump supply hose. Port
b. Install front bearing, gears and rear
"CF" is for controlled flow and is connected to
bearings in their respective positions. Make
the steering control unit at the dashboard. Port
s u r e all marks previously made during
"EF" is for excess flow and is connected to the
disassembly are aligned.
inlet fitting of the pump. Port "S" is for relief
flow and is connected to the outlet fitting on
c. Position gasket, spacer and "W" shaped
the steering oil filter.
gasket seal in front cover recesses.
d. Assemble front and rear cover to the
body, being careful that the "W" gasket seal
9-94. At low pump speed, with input flow
retains its position in the recess of the front
equal or less than set controlled flow, all flow
cover. Tighten capscrews to specified torque.
is directed to the controlled flow "CF" port.
The pressure-compensating piston prevents or
NOTE: The pump rotation is identified by an
arrow stamped on the pump body.
blocks any flow to the excess flow port.
Controlled flow in this situation may be used
When assembling the pump, the front
up to the full integral relief valve pressure;
cover (drive end of the pump) should
h o w e v e r , the rate of controlled flow will
be located on the "arrow" end.
decrease if the input flow decreases.
9 - 9 5 . When input flow is increased, the
pressure-compensated piston, in maintaining a
a. Check engine RPM to see that pump will
fixed pressure drop across the orifice, moves
not be run beyond maximum design speed.
further away from its stop position to allow
Erratic high idle speed is probably caused by
fluid to flow from the input port to the excess
dirty or faulty governor.
flow " E F " p o r t i n m a i n t a i n i n g t h e s e t
b. Check all hoses for frayed, worn or soft
controlled flow.
spots. Replace as necessary to prevent filling
9-96. The pilot operated relief valve is factory
system with foreign matter. A soft suction line
set to 1500 50 PSI (105.5 3.5 kg/cm)
may collapse and cause pump damage or
and cannot be adjusted. This valve relieves
excessive pressures due to shock loads or
other causes.
c. Clean the entire hydraulic system by
draining and refilling with clean oil of proper
9-97. REMOVAL.
specifications. Change the hydraulic filter.