k. Remove the porting plate (see figure
r. Up-end the housing and tap slightly with
I. Place a clean wooden block across the
palm of hand. Hold the check valve hole
throat of the vise to support the spool parts.
towards the lowest corner and remove the
Clamp the unit across the port face with the
check valve seat, ball and spring (see figure
control end up. Remove the four (4) capscrews
s. Push the cross pin to loosen it from the
m. Hold the spool assembly down against
the wooden block in the vise and lift off the
Remove the nylon disc at each end of the
crosspin and remove the pin.
surfaces for leakage paths, wear, and seal
n. Remove cap locator bushing (see figure
o. Place the housing on the wooden block
Holding the assembly securely, remove the
spool-sleeve assembly from the 14 hole end of
FIGURE 9-24.
FIGURE 9-25.
NOTE: Be careful to prevent these parts from
binding as they are closely fitted and
must be rotated slightly as they are
p. Place the housing in the vise, control end
up. Insert a seal ring remover tool in the upper
left port and push the check plug (with o-ring)
q. Using a 3/16 in. (4.763 mm) hex wrench
FIGURE 9-26.
unscrew and remove the check valve seat (see
FIGURE 9-27.
FIGURE 9-20.
FIGURE 9-21.
FIGURE 9-28.
FIGURE 9-29.
FIGURE 9-30.
FIGURE 9-31.
FIGURE 9-22.
FIGURE 9-23.