h. Center the spring set in the parts so that
c. Torque check seat per specification (see
they push down evenly and flush with the
upper surface of the spool and sleeve (see
ball with a small clean pin against spring
force. Ball need NOT be snug against seat for
proper function.
i. Install cross pin through spool assembly
d. Check the condition of the o-ring seal on
or slightly below the sleeve diameter at both
the check plug and replace it if necessary.
ends. Insert a nylon disc on each end of the
Install the check plug (with o-ring) in the check
hole with a steady pressure while rocking it
slightly so that the o-ring feeds in smoothly
j. Position the housing on a solid surface
with the port face down. Start the spool
assembly so that the splined end of the spool
e. Set control spool on the clean wooden
enters the 14 hole end of the housing first (see
block with the splined end up. Position 3 pairs
of centering springs (or 2 sets of 3 each) on
the block so that notched edge is down and
k. Be careful that the parts do not cock
arched center sections are together. In this
while entering. Push parts gently into place
postion, enter one end of entire spring set into
Bring the spool assembly entirely within the
set and "bobbypin" through the control spool.
housing bore until the parts are flush at the 14
hole end of the housing. Do not pull the spool
f. Set the control spool with spring set and
assembly beyond this point or the cross pin
"bobbypin" on the slotted end of the control
may drop into the discharge groove of the
s l e e v e . The control spool has probably
housing. With the spool assembly in this flush
expanded from the heat of the mechanic s
position, check for free rotation within the
hands to the point that it will not enter the
housing by turning the spool assembly with
sleeve. Permit the spool to cool, while sitting
light finger force at the splined end.
on the sleeve. Gravity will pull the spool into
I. Hold the parts in this flush position and
slightly if necessary.
rest the 14 hole end of the assembly on the
protective block on the vise throat and clamp
g. Bring spring slots of the spool and sleeve
lightly across the port face with the vise.
In line and Insert the springs Into the sleeve.
Remove "bobbypin", being careful not to
CAUTION: When changing positions of the
disturb the spring set.
housing be careful to hold spool
and sleeve assembly in the housing
as they are free to slip out.
m. Position the cap locator bushing, with
large O.D. chamfer UP, partly into end of
bushing seats against the spool assembly.
n. Check the mounting plate and shaft seal
carefully to Insure that they are clean and in
FIGURE 9-39.
FIGURE 9-40.
FIGURE 9-41.
FIGURE 9-43.
FIGURE 9-44.
FIGURE 9-42.