10-6. Pressing the brake pedal moves the
10-1. GENERAL.
p i s t o n within the master cylinder, thus
displacing the brake fluid from the master
10-2. This section contains overhaul instruc-
cylinder through its outlet orifices, tubing and
tions for the components of the brake and rear
connections into the wheel cylinders. The
wheel assemblies. The overhaul instructions
non-compressible brake fluid enters each of the
include removal, disassembly, cleaning, inspec-
wheel cylinders, causing the cylinders piston
tion, reassembly and installation procedures.
to move outward and actuate the brake shoes.
As the force on the pedal is Increased, greater
and a troubleshooting guide is presented in
hydraulic pressure is built up within the wheel
cylinders and, consequently, greater force is
exerted against the shoes.
10-4. GENERAL.
10-7. When the pressure on the pedal is
10-5. The service brake system consists of a
released, the brake shoe retracting springs
master cylinder assembly, four brake cylinder
return the brake shoes to their normal released
assemblies and the necessary lines and
position. The return movement of the brake
connections. The master cylinder and brake
shoes, in turn, causes movement of the wheel
cylinders are fitted with pistons which act as a
cylinder pistons toward their release position,
seal to maintain pressure and to prevent loss
thus forcing the fluid back through the tubing
of brake fluid.
into the master cylinder.
FIGURE 10-1.