d . Reassemble the lower regulator valve
7-59. Place the transmission in high gear and
l o c k the brakes. Turn up the engine to the
e. A pressure reading can new be taken on
RPM is less than this, tune up the engine. If
t h e lower regulator vaive, using the gauge
the engine speed is over the maximum static
p r e v i o u s l y installed in the check port. The
R P M , the torque converter or the hydraulic
lower regulator should be set at 75 to 80 PSI
clutches in the transmission are slipping.
(5.27-5.62 kg/cm2).
f . The pressure of the regulators can be
a d j u s t e d by adding (increased pressure) or
7-61. If a check indicated problems with the
removing (decreased pressure) 5/16 inch (7.94
converter or the forward-reverse transmission,
mm) washers under the springs in the regulator
check the oil pressures.
g. Remove the upper regulator cap and
7-62. Install a 300 PSI (21.1 kg/cm2) pressure
reassemble the upper regulator valve completely.
gauge in the pipe fitting located on top and the
h. The upper regulator valve should now be
W i t h the engine turning approximately 1500
set to read 160-170 PSI (11.25-11.95 kg/cm2) at
RPM, he pressure should read 150 PSI (10.5
k g / c m 2 ) minimum. If there is less pressure,
1800 RPM in neutral. However, the pressure
will drop momentarily to about 60 PSI (4.22
remove, clean and check the pressure regulator
kg/cm2) when the clutches are engaged. With
valves as follows:
t h e engine idling, the regulator should read
approximately 100 PSI (7.03 kg/cm2).
a. Remove the upper regulator cap on the
l e f t hand side of the transmission near the
i . With new oil in the. unit, the pressure
r e g u l a t o r valves may buzz. This is due to
t h e spring, valve and guide pin (see figure
foaming in the oil. Do not read the pressure
7-53). Thoroughly clean the valve port as well
gauge when the regulator valves are buzzing.
as the various parts of the valve. Set the parts
Idle the enging for several minutes, then rev up
of the upper regulator valve aside so that they
and read the pressure gauge.
will not be mixed up with other parts.
j. The 10 PSI (.703 kg/cm2) pressure
right hand side of the unit, is rarely a source of
service problems. However, if the valve should
r e q u i r e cleaning, follow the steps described
a b o v e for the other two regulator valves.
P r e s s u r e will read as high as 25 PSI (1.76
kg/cm2) at high idle. This is normal. No
adjustments should be made unless pressure
reading is less than 10 PSI (.703 kg/cm2).
FIGURE 7-52.
b. Install the upper regulator cap only In the
upper regulator valve.
c. Remove the lower regulator cap, spring,
valve and guide pin (see figure 7-53).
Thoroughly clean the valve port as well as the
FIGURE 7-53.
various parts of the valve.