TM 5-3895-383-24
Before pressing input gear (4) onto input shaft (3),
be sure to install bolt (5). Bolt (5) is positioned
under the input gear.
Put the input gear and shaft (3) in the pump body.
Press the input gear (4) onto the input shaft until it is
even with the end of the shaft. Put the driven gear in
position in the pump body.
Put the pump bodies together, and install bolts (5).
Install relief valve spring (8) and relief valve (7) in the
pump body. Install bolt (6).
Check the condition of the O-ring seal used in oil
discharge tube assembly (2). If the seal is damaged,
use a new part for replacement. Install the O-ring seal
in the tube assembly. Install the oil discharge tube
assembly and the bolts and washers that hold it.
Check the condition of the gasket used in oil pick-up
tube assembly (1). If the gasket is damaged, use a new
part for replacement. Install the gasket, the oil
discharge tube assembly and the bolts and washers that
hold it.
Install the idler gear on the engine oil pump. Use
9S-3263 Thread Lock on the bolt threads. Do not use
excessive amount of thread lock. Internal lube
passages may become plugged. Tighten bolts to 70 ±
15 Nm (52 ± 11 lb-ft).
End By:
install engine oil pump
Piston Cooling Jets
Remove & Install Piston Cooling
Jets 1331-010
Start By:
remove engine balancer group (3114 Engines)
remove engine oil pump (six cylinder engines)
Fluid Spillage Containment
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during
performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting and
repair of the machine. Be prepared to collect the fluid with
suitable containers before opening any compartment or
disassembling any component containing fluids. Refer to
"Tools And Shop Products Guide", NENG2500 for tools and
supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids in Caterpillar
machines. Dispose of fluids according to local regulations and
Remove bolt (1) and piston cooling jet (2).
Remove the remainder of the piston cooling jets as in
Step 1.