TM 5-3895-379-23
0006 00
Table 2. Electrical Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.
1. If 24 to 28 Vdc are present at input
Starter Does Not Turn or Turns Slowly 6. Check power at starter relay.
Open left-side door assembly.
terminal (wire 109-OR), go to Step
- Continued.
Attach positive (+) probe of
multimeter to input terminal
2. If 24 to 28 Vdc are not present at
(wire 109-OR) of starter relay.
input terminal (wire 304-WH) and
Attach negative (-) probe of
roller otherwise has power,
multimeter to frame. Measure
replace or repair wire 304-WH and
voltage. Attach positive (+) probe
(wire 304-WH) of starter relay.
3. If 24 to 28 Vdc are present at
Move back from roller. Have
output terminal (wire 109-OR),
assistant turn and hold engine
replace or repair wire 109-OR and
start switch to start (full right)
position (TM 5-3895-379-10) for
not more than 30 seconds.
4. If 24 to 28 Vdc are present at both
Measure voltage. Have assistant
terminals, close left-side door
turn engine start switch to OFF
assembly. Go to Step 9.
position (TM 5-3895-379-10).
7. Check ground to starter relay 1. If infinite ohms are measured,
connector. Remove starter relay
replace or repair wire 200-BK and
connector from wiring harness
connector. Set multimeter to
check ohms. Touch positive (+) 2. If zero ohms are measured, go to
Step 8.
probe of multimeter (wire 200-
BK). Touch negative (-) probe of
should be measured.
8. Check power to coil of starter 1. If 24 to 28 Vdc are not present at
relay. Have assistant turn and
start relay output, replace or repair
hold engine start switch to start
wire 304-WH and connectors (WP
(full right) position. Touch
positive (+) probe of multimeter
(wire 306-GN). Touch negative 2. If 24 to 28 Vdc are present at (wire
306-GN), replace starter relay
(-) probe of multimeter to frame.
0006 00-57