TM 5-3895-379-23
0006 00
Table 2. Electrical Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.
2. Starter Does Not Turn or Turns
1. Before doing next step, read
WARNINGs on previous page.
Slowly - Continued.
2. Check for power at starter during 1. If 24 to 28 Vdc are not present at
cranking. Engage parking brake
battery terminal of starter
(TM 5-3895-379-10). Set multi-
meter to measure Vdc. Attach
positive (+) probe of multimeter 2. If 24 to 28 Vdc are not present at
starter terminal of starter solenoid,
to battery terminal of starter.
go to Step 6.
Attach negative (-) probe of
multimeter to engine block. 3. If 24 to 28 Vdc are present at
Move from under Roller. Have
starter and battery terminal of
assistant turn
on battery
disconnect switch and turn and
hold engine start switch to start
position for not more than 30
seconds. Measure voltage at
battery terminal. Have assistant
turn engine start switch to OFF
position (TM 5-3895-379-10).
Move positive (+) probe of
multimeter to starter terminal of
starter. Move from under roller.
Have assistant turn on battery
disconnect switch and turn and
hold engine start switch to start
position (TM 5-3895-379-10) for
not more than 30 seconds.
Measure voltage at starter
terminal. Have assistant then turn
engine start switch to OFF
position (TM 5-3895-379-10).
0006 00-54