TM 5-3895-382-24
NOTE: Steps 33 through 45 are for the assembly of the
Hot water can cause burns. To prevent possible personal
injury, wear protective gloves when handling the hot ring
gear in Step 33.
Install bearing cone (24) on case (23). Heat ring gear
(26) in water to a temperature of 71° to 82°C (160° to
180°F). The ring gear should remain in the water for 10
to 15 minutes so it will be thoroughly heated. Put ring
gear (26) in position on case (23). If the ring gear does
not easily fit on case (23), repeat the heating procedure.
Install twelve bolts (25), the washers and nuts that hold
the ring gear in position. Install bolts (25) with the bolt
heads against the gear. The ring gear must be flush
with the differential assembly flange after installation.
Check the installation with a .075 mm (.0030 in) feeler
Set the case and ring gear on a bench with the bearing
end down and the inner case facing upward.
Place the ground hub of one side gear (18) into the bore
of the case. Be sure the side gear rotates freely in the
Install one spring retainer (19) over side gear (18) with
the retaining lip facing up. The spring retainer should
seat against the shoulder of the side gear.
Install one spring (20) over the splined end of the side
gear. The small diameter end of the spring should be
against the spring retainer.
Position spider assembly (22) over one drive clutch
assembly (21). Be sure long tooth (28) on the spider
assembly is positioned over slot (27) in the holdout ring
of drive clutch assembly (21).
Position the remaining drive clutch assembly (21) over
the spider assembly. Again, be sure slot in the holdout
ring of the drive clutch assembly is positioned over the
long tooth on the spider assembly.
Compress one of the drive clutch assemblies over the
side gear splines a few times. Be sure the spring does
not bind and the coils do not overlap. Check to be sure
that there is good contact between the end coil of the
spring and the spring retainer when the drive clutch
assembly and the side gear splines are fully meshed.