TM 5-3895-382-24
ROPS (Roll-Over Protective Structure)
Remove & Install ROPS (Roll-Over Protective Structure)
Disconnect electrical connector (3).
Attach a hoist to ROPS (Roll-Over Protective Structure
(1) as shown.
Remove twelve nuts and bolts (2) that fasten the ROPS
to the frame of the machine. Remove ROPS (1). The
weight of the ROPS is 160 kg (352 lb).
NOTE: For installation of the ROPS (Roll-Over Protective
Structure), reverse the removal steps.
Steering Pivot Lock
Separation & Connection of Steering
Pivot Lock 7506-029
No clearance for a person in this area when turning
vehicle. When machine is to be lifted, transported on
another vehicle or service work being performed near the
center of the machine, connect steering pivot lock
between front and rear frames to keep machine in a
straight ahead position. Before operation or when
operating, be sure steering pivot lock, located near the
lower center of the machine, is disconnected and pinned
in the storage position.
Steering Pivot Lock Pin in Storage Position.
Steering Pivot Lock Pin in Locked Position.
Put steer pivot group (3) in alignment with main frame
group (4).
Remove pin (2), and move lock pin (1) from the storage
position to the locked position.