TM 5-3895-382-24
Illustration 154
Use a screwdriver or a similar tool to remove retaining
ring (1) from both ends of the rocker shaft assembly.
Illustration 155
(1) Retaining ring
(2) Washer on the end of the rocker shaft
(3) Rocker arm assembly
(4) Shaft bracket
(5) Spring on the rocker shaft
(6) Washer
(7) Rocker shaft
(8) Bolt
(9) Connection for the oil supply
(10) Rocker arm bushing
Remove the rocker arms and the shaft brackets from
the rocker shaft assembly.
Place an identification mark on each of the
components for installation.
Check the clearance between rocker arm (3) and rocker
shaft (7). Replace bushing (10) if the clearance is larger
than 0.13 mm (.005 inch). Use Tool (A) and a suitable
press in order to remove bushing (10) for rocker arm (3),
if necessary.
Remove bracket (4) for rocker shaft (7).
Remove springs (5), washers (6), bolt (8), and
connection (9) for the oil supply from rocker shaft (7).
Rocker Shaft - Assemble
SMCS Code: 1102-016
Assembly Procedure
Lubricate all of the components with clean engine oil.
Illustration 156
(1) Retaining ring
(2) Washer on the end of the rocker shaft
(3) Rocker arm assembly
(4) Shaft bracket
(5) Spring on the rocker shaft
(6) Washer
(7) Rocker shaft
(8) Bolt
(9) Connection for the oil supply
(10) Rocker arm bushing
Install connection (9) for the oil supply and bolt (8) on
rocker shaft (7).
Ensure that the bolt and the connection are
correctly positioned on the rocker shaft.
Ensure that all of the oil holes in the rocker shaft
and in the rocker arms are not plugged before you
begin the assembly procedure.
Install bushing (10) in rocker arm (3) with a suitable
press. Ream the bushing to a clearance of 0.06 ±0.03
mm (.0024 ±.0012 inch), if necessary.
Install each of the components in the correct order onto
rocker shaft (7). See Illustration 156.