TM 5-3895-382-24
Place a rod through the hole in the threaded bar (8) in
order to prevent movement of the bar when the nut (9)
is tightened. Tighten the nut in order to push the oil seal
into the housing to the desired depth.
Remove the 9U-6210 Front Seal Installer. Lightly
lubricate the area of the crankshaft pulley that contacts
the oil seal with clean engine oil. Install the crankshaft
Thrust Washers For The Center
Main Bearing
Illustration 96
(1) Thrust washer for the center man bearing.
The axial movement of the crankshaft is controlled by thrust
washers (1). The thrust washers are installed on both sides of
the center main bearing.
The clearance between the thrust washer and the crankshaft
can be measured with a feeler gauge.
Place a dial indicator on one end of the crankshaft in order to
measure the end play of the crankshaft.
The maximum permissible end play is 0.51 mm (0.020 inch). If
the end play is greater than the maximum, oversize washers
can be installed. The oversize washers can be installed on
one or both sides of the center main bearing. The oversize
washers will reduce the end play in order to be within the
maximum permissible end play.
Flywheel And Flywheel Housing
Heat the ring gear immediately prior to installation. Do not
heat the ring gear to a temperature that is greater than 250C
(482F). Install the ring gear so that the chamfer on the gear
teeth is next to the starter motor pinion when the flywheel is
Flywheel Housing Checks
Table 26
Tools Needed
Dial Indicator Group
Face Runout Check
Illustration 97
Face runout check.
Position the magnetic base of the dial indicator group on
the crankshaft flange. Position the contact of the dial
indicator on the face of the flywheel housing.
Force the crankshaft to the rear in order to remove the
clearance for the main bearing.