TM 5-3895-379-23
0006 00
Table 2. Electrical Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.
Warning and Indicator Lights Do Not 7. Touch positive (+) probe of 1. If multimeter does not measure
multimeter to terminal 87A and
zero ohms between terminals 30
Operate - Continued.
negative (-) probe of multimeter
and 87A, replace functional light
to terminal 30 of functional light
relay. Multimeter should measure
zero ohms. Move positive (+) 2. If multimeter does not measure
infinite ohms between terminals
probe of multimeter to terminal
30 and 87, replace functional light
87 while negative (-) probe of
multimeter stays at terminal 30 of
should measure infinite ohms.
install functional light relay (WP
8. Check for good ground to 1. If multimeter does not measure
functional light relay coil. Touch
zero ohms, repair or replace wire
positive (+) probe of multimeter
to terminal 2 (wire 200-BK) of
harness connector and negative
(-) probe to operator station. 2. If multimeter does read zero ohms,
go to Step 9.
Multimeter should measure zero
9. Check for power to warning light 1. If 24 to 28 Vdc are not measured
relay. Remove nine screws and
at terminal 1 (wire C931-OR) and
washers, and remove panel from
GAUGES fuse is good, turn
operator station. Remove harness
engine start switch and battery
connector from warning light
disconnect switch to OFF position
(TM 5-3895-379-10). Repair or
disconnect switch and engine
start switch to ON position (TM
5-3895-379-10). Touch positive
(+) probe of multimeter to 2. If 24 to 28 Vdc are measured at
terminal 1, go to Step 10.
terminal 1 (wire C931-OR) and
negative (-) probe of multimeter
to good ground.
10. Check continuity of warning light 1. If multimeter does not measure
relay. Remove warning light
zero ohms, replace warning light
relay from operator station (WP
ohms. Touch positive (+) probe of 2. If multimeter does not measure
zero ohms, go to Step 11.
multimeter to terminal 85 and
negative (-) probe of multimeter
to terminal 86 of warning light
relay. Multimeter should measure
zero ohms.
0006 00-68