grease. Press bearing (Q) into roll hub (E). Hand pack
Again start unit and run for 2 hours at 1700 vibrations
circular cavity of labyrinth retainer (O) with grease and
per minute. Again make a heat test. Slowing of the
install retainer on roll hub (E) with eight 1/2 x 1 H" self-
vibrator speed after a period of running is an indication
locking cap screws. IMPORTANT: Apply "Moly Spray
of excessive heat being generated. If a rerun test is
Cote Lubricant M8800" to roll shaft bearing seat for
required, regrease both bearing housings before
bearing (Q). Reinstall roll hub with bearing on roll shaft.
resumption of test. If excessive beat still persists,
25. Press cups of bearings (P) and (N) into wheel hub
consult Engineering Dept., Milwaukee.
(G). Press seal (L) into wheel hub (G). Lip of seal to
face toward bearings (P) and (N). Pack cavity in wheel
hub between seal (L) and cup with grease.
26. Slip spacer (M) on roll hub (E) and against shoulder.
Hand pack cone of bearing (P) with grease and install
cone on roll hub. Now install this assembly on roll hub
(E). Fill void that will be between bearings (P) and (N)
with grease. Hand pack cone of bearing (N) with grease
and install cone on roll hub(E). Install seal (K) in wheel
hub (G). Lip of seal to face outward. Bolt bearing
retainer (H), WITHOUT SHIMS (J), to wheel hub. Now
check rolling torque of wheel hub with a torque wrench
or torque scale. Torque should be between 10 and 15 ft.
lbs. Use shims (J) as required to gain this torque. Bend
tab locks over against hex of cap screws. Install wheel
flange (V) on wheel hub (G) with screws (F).
27. Return roll shaft assembly into roll heads. Line up
holes and bolt securely. Torque bolts to 200 ft. lbs. Roll
shaft must have /6" to '/," TOTAL END PLAY after
28. Drive End - Install drive coupling assembly. Follow
previous steps 10 thru 13.
29. Driven End - Press bearing(FF) into bearing flange
(BB). Lock in place with snap ring (GG). Assemble
onto shaft. Follow with spacer (EE), gear (DD) and lock
in position with roll pin (CC). Guide slots in shaft around
roll pin in roll shaft. Bolt this assembly to wheel flange
30. Replace isolators. Refer to "Pneumatic Isolator
Removal and Reassembly." NOTE: In reassembly tire
valves must be on the bottom of rim when assembled in
31. After roll is returned to roll frame, reconnect cord
(Y). Refer Insert "AA". Replace bracket (Z) with bolts
(W) and reconnect rod end linkage (X).
32. Grease hub roll bearings before use with Shell
Darina EP#2.
IMPORTANT: Break-in Sequence for Shaft
Run unit for 15-20 minutes at 1200 vibrations per
minute, then increase vibrations to 1700 and run for 1
hour. Stop unit. Test heat of housing (G) with a
commercial type thermometer by placing it upright on
top of the housing. Housing heat should not go beyond
2250F. If beat goes above this temperature, or vibrator
shaft slows or stops - Stop run-in procedure and allow
housings to cool completely.