shaft. Tap coupling with wood block or brass rod with
8. To remove the driven coupling half (E). A puller
hammer if necessary to assure complete seating.
may easily be made from bar stock, figure 30 below or
ordered from Rexnord per part number 102-8419-1.
11. Install washer and nut (D)Torque nut to 250-275 ft.
Place puller in hub of coupling half (E), figure 31. Insert
two 5/16 - 18 x 2 " long cap screws thru the 3/8" dia.
12. Hand pack this assembly with Mobilgrease 77 (or
Holes in puller and thread into tapped holes in coupling
equivalent) before proceeding.
half. Thread the " - 13 x 3" sq. hd. cone point set
13. Install drive coupling (B) with new seal (C) into
screw in to tapped hole of puller. Tighten down against
sleeve. Lock in place with snap ring (A).
shaft to remove coupling half. If necessary give a sharp
blow to set screw to unseat coupling from tapered shaft.
NOTE: The drive coupling assembly must be hand
Remove puller from coupling half.
packed with new and clean grease monthly. Refer to
Lubrication Chart.
14. (Fig. 28) Remove four 3/" x 1" flat head machine
screws (F) and remove wheel flange (V) from wheel hub
15. Six 3X/" x 1/4" cap screws with tab locks hold the
bearing carrier ring (H) to roll hub (E). Flatten tab locks
and remove cap screws to remove bearing carrier ring.
Also remove shims immediately behind the bearing
carrier ring.
16. Remove wheel hub (G) from roll hub (E). With the
wheel hub, seals (L) and (K), cup of bearing (P) and
bearing (N) will be free of roll hub (E). Pull cone of
bearing (P) off roll hub and remove spacer (M).
17. Seals (L) and (K) may now be removed from wheel
18. Remove eight /21" x 1i/" self-locking cap screws
holding labyrinth retainer (0) to roll hub (E).
9. Remove snap ring (F) and seals (G) and (C).
19. The roll hub (E) contains three 3/" x 2" socket hd.
Inspect all parts for wear and/or damage, especially the
dog pt. set screws (R). These are used to jack out
splines of coupling halves and sleeve (H). New seals
bearing (Q) far enough so a puller can be used to
should be used and soaked in oil before reassembly. If
remove bearing from the roll hub. Remove bearing.
new coupling halves and sleeve are used make sure all
Return set screws into tapped holes. Remove seal (S).
parts are free of burrs. Proceed with Step 14 for further
"drive end" disassembly. If not proceed with Step 10 to
20. Clean and inspect all parts. It is recommended new
assemble coupling.
seals be used in reassembly. Soak seals in oil before
Driven End - Fig. 28 and Insert "BB"
21. Pry out hub cap. Remove four 1/2" x 1/4," self-
locking cap screws (AA) holding bearing flange (BB) to
wheel flange (V) and pull flange assembly off roll shaft.
Drive out roll pin (CC) from gear (DD). Remove gear
and spacer (EE). Pry out snap ring (GG) and press out
bearing (FF) from flange.
22. From this point on, follow the preceeding steps thru
20. Procedure of disassembly is identical as to that for
the "Drive End."
Assembly (Fig. 28) . Steps 23 thru 27 are identical for
both sides.
23. Press seal (S) into roll hub (E). Lip of seal, when
installed, must face toward bearing (Q).
24. Hand pack cavity in roll hub (E) with Shell Darina
EP#2 grease, and hand pack bearing (Q) with same
10. In reassembly, install new seal (G) on driven
coupling (E) first. Slip on coupling sleeve (H) and lock
in place with snap ring (F). Install this assembly on
shaft with key (J). Make sure coupling is seated