298-6036-68 tube.
Remaining reassembly is in reverse of above.
Add hydraulic oil to tank to level indicated. Run unit to
purge air from system. Recheck oil level. Add oil if
The roller should be in a machine shop or garage on a
*Clean interior of isolator halves before reassembly.
hard level surface. Wedge block the traction wheels as
When interior of isolator halves are cleaned and
a safety precaution. Connect the steering lock link.
inspection indicates that the 3-M non-slip material is
1. Place blocking, each side, between bottom of roll
loose or damaged, it should be replaced with new.
frame and floor to retain roll frame from falling when roll
Metal surfaces should be cleaned with a solvent and dry
is disconnected and moved away from roll frame.
before application of new material.
2. Remove roll frame side covers, each side.
3. Remove four bolts, two each side, from inside ends
of front frame holding front frame to main frame. A fork
To inspect, repair or replace the shaft bearings and
lift or lifting device should support the front frame during
seals the following disassembly procedure is
removal. Move front frame out away from roll.
4. Hydraulic Motor Side - Clean hydraulic hose fittings
1. Remove roll from frame
and motor with solvent and blow air dry before
"Pneumatic Isolator Removal."
proceeding. Disconnect hydraulic hoses from motor.
Plug hose ends and hydraulic motor port holes to keep
2. With wheels (isolator rims) removed, next remove
dirt from entering.
eight 3%" x 3" cap screws (C), each side, holding roll
hub (E) to roll head.
5. Remove four " x 1" cap screws (A) holding
motor to wheel and motor mount flange (V) and remove
3. Remove inspection plates, each side.
4. Remove lubrication hoses from each roll hub (E).
6. Four bolts hold the isolator halves (B) to the roll
5. Insert four of cap screws (C) into the tapped holes in
frame, two on top and two on the bottom. Remove
the driven hub (E) (DRIVEN END). Tighten bolts
these bolts. This will free the roll assembly from the
evenly. This will jack the entire vibrator shaft assembly
main frame on this side.
out of roll toward driven end.
7. Opposite Hydraulic Motor Side - Disconnect
CAUTION and NOTE: During removal, support the drive
connector (Y) and fold cord back into roll frame. Refer
end of shaft assembly thru inspection opening (drive
to insert "AA", disconnect rod end linkage (X), then
end) in roll head. After removal, the shaft assembly can
remove two bolts (W) and remove bracket (Z).
be placed on "horses" for ease of working.
8. Four bolts hold the isolator halves (B) to the roll
Shaft Parts Disassembly, Drive End.
frame, two on top and two on the bottom. Remove
Drive Coupling - Removal and Reassembly. Ref. Figs.
these bolts. This will free roll assembly on this side.
9. Move roll assembly forward through frame opening.
6. Remove outer internal snap ring (A), then slide out
10. If both side isolator housings (B) are to be removed,
splined coupling half (B) with seal (C).
remove eight bolts, four each side, holding isolator
housing halves together, exposing the pneumatic
7. Remove nut and washer (D) from vibrator shaft.
11. Remove twelve bolts (D), six each side, holding
wheel to wheel flange (V), and remove wheel and
isolator. Isolators may now be repaired or replaced in
the conventional manner.
12. In reassembly, inflate pneumatic isolators to
approximately 5 p.s.i. Bolt wheel back on wheel flange.
Bolt isolator halves together, then inflate and maintain
isolators to 25 p.s.i. *See Note below
NOTE: The selection of the pneumatic isolators is the
result of an extensive test program in order to attain
maximum vibration isolation. It is therefore imperative
that should replacement be necessary, the isolator be
replaced by REX part numbers 2986035-68 isolator and