Probable cause
Possible remedy
Lack of lubricating oil.
Fill the crankcase with proper grade and quantity of oil.
Refer to LO 5-1185.
Fuel mixture too lean.
Fan belt broken.
Fan belt slipping.
Choke button pulled out.
Push in the choke button.
Engine overloaded.
Check load against operating capacity of the engine.
Cooling system frozen.
Thaw out cooling system.
Radiator clogged.
Coolant passages clogged.
Valve timing incorrect.
Breaker cam retarded.
Exhaust pipes restricted.
Engine Backfires
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Fuel mixture too lean.
Valve timing incorrect.
Valve damaged.
Valves sticking.
If the intake valves stick, the engine will backfire through
the carburetor; if the exhaust valves stick, It will fire
through the exhaust system. Remove the spark plug
and pour penetrating oil into the cylinder. Let the
engine stand idle for a few minutes. Rotate the
engine by hand and if the valve has not freed itself,
tap valve lightly with a soft copper rod. Replace the
spark plug and start the engine. If the valve is still
stuck, pour carbon solvent into the carburetor
through its air intake, and mix some carbon solvent
with the oil. Start the engine and allow it to run for a
few minutes. If the trouble has not disappeared, a
Engine Becomes Noisy
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Exhaust pipe broken.
Exhaust manifold loose or broken.
Manifold gasket blown.