Ammeter Shows Heavy Discharge With Engine Stopped
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Circuit shorted.
Inspect and repair.
Circuit breaker points stuck.
Ammeter hand stuck.
With a handle of a screwdriver tap lightly against the
ammeter housing; if the hand still remains stuck,
Ammeter burned out.
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Fan belt slipping.
Adjust circuit breaker cut-in voltage (par. 192). See note
Circuit breaker cut-in voltage too low.
Circuit breaker contacts burned.
Regulator loose or not properly grounded.
Regulator defective.
Steering lever Fails to Move the Roller in
Desired Direction
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Connect linkage properly.
Linkage disconnected.
Fill the hydraulic system.
Hydraulic oil tank empty.
Hydraulic pump drive belt broken.
Hydraulic pump defective.
Operating valve defective.
Replace hydraulic lines.
Hydraulic lines broken or damaged.
Steering cylinder defective.
Steering arm broken.
Steering arm pin broken or missing.
Swivel pin stuck.
King pin stuck or damaged.
Master Clutch Does Not Engage
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Linkage disconnected.
Too much play in linkage and pins.
Linkage twisted.
Clutch out of adjustment.