TM 5-3895-383-24
Check all oil lines, all hoses, and all connections for
damage and for leaks. Look for oil on the ground under
the machine.
If oil can leak out of a fitting or out of a
connection, air can leak into the system. Air in
the system is as harmful as having too little oil.
Vibratory System Troubleshooting
SMCS Code: 6606-035
Personal injury or death can result from sudden machine
Sudden movement of the machine can cause injury to
persons on or near the machine.
To prevent injury or death, make sure that the area around
the machine is clear of personnel and obstructions before
operating the machine.
Personal injury can result from hydraulic oil pressure and
hot oil.
Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic system
after the engine has been stopped. Serious injury can be
caused if this pressure is not released before any service
is done on the hydraulic system.
Make sure all of the attachments have been lowered, oil is
cool before removing any components or lines. Remove
the oil filler cap only when the engine is stopped, and the
filler cap is cool enough to touch with your bare hand.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing,
adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to collect
the fluid with suitable containers before opening any
compartment or disassembling any component containing
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar Tools
and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies suitable
to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar products.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Operational Checks
Operate the machine in each direction and in all
speeds. Note the noises that are not normal and
find the sources of the noises. If the machine is
not operating correctly, refer to the list of
problems and probable causes below.
Probable Causes of Vibratory System Problems
The vibration system does not work in high amplitude or
low amplitude.
Probable causes
The speed range switch is in the HIGH range.
Some machines may be wired in order to disable
the vibratory system when the speed range switch
is in the HIGH range.
Fuse failure.
On machines that are equipped with the variable
frequency vibration system, an additional 4 amp
fuse is located in the control console.
The vibratory on/off control on the propel control lever
has failed.
The amplitude selector on the control console has
The electrical circuit has a fault.
The alternator has failed.
Low charge oil pressure.
The solenoid valve on the vibratory pump has failed.
The rheostat for the optional variable frequency has
The optional variable frequency dial has failed.
Mechanical failure of the vibrator mechanism.
Low charge oil pressure.
Probable Cause
There is a low oil level in the hydraulic tank.
The hydraulic filter element is restricted.
There is excessive case leakage in the pump and/or the
The gerotor charge pump has failed.
The relief valve adjustment on the charge pump is not