TM 5-3895-383-24
Balancer Shafts (3114 Engine Only)
Balancer Group (Front View)
(1) Crankshaft gear. (2) Oil pump idler gear. (3) Balancer
shafts. (4) Oil pump drive gear. (5) Oil pump housing.
The four cylinder engine is equipped with two balancer shafts.
These shafts cancel out the vertical shaking force that is typical
of four cylinder engines.
Balancer shafts (3) run the full length of the engine. They are
mounted to the bottom of the cylinder block by oil pump
housing (5) and an intermediate and rear support. Balancer
shafts (3) are driven by crankshaft gear (1) via oil pump idler
gear (2) and oil pump drive gear (4). The balancer shafts are
phased and timed to the engine by marked teeth on the gears.
Electrical System
This section covers only the main component of the electric
starting and charging system. Depending on the application,
the engine may or may not be equipped with this system.
The charging circuit is in operation when the engine is running.
An alternator makes electricity for the charging circuit. A
voltage regulator in the circuit controls the electrical output to
keep the battery at full charge.
The disconnect switch, if so equipped, must be in the ON
position to let the electrical system function. There will be
damage to some of the charging circuit components if the
engine is running with the disconnect switch in the OFF
Charging System Components
The alternator is driven by V-type belts from the crankshaft
pulley. The alternator is a three phase, self-rectifying charging
unit, and the regulator is part of the alternator. The operation
of both brushless and brush type alternators follow.