TM 5-3895-383-24
Tighten both bolts of each bearing cap to a
torque of.................................54 ± 7 N m (40 ± 5 lb-ft)
Then tighten bolts an
additional ...............................................90 5 degrees
(1/4 turn)
Location of bearing cap sequence number.
Dimension from centerline of crankshaft bore to
pan rail ..................................................11.00 mm (4.331 in)
Dimension from centerline of crankshaft bore to top of
block .........................................................322.00 ± .017 mm
(12.677 ± .0007 in)
Cylinder bore size (new).
For re-use and reconditioning information for the
3114 and 3116 engines refer to Salvage and Reuse
Guide, SEBF8211.
3114 engine ..........................................105.025 .025 mm
(4.1348 ± .0010 in)
3116 engine ..........................................105.025 .025 mm
(4.1348 ± .0010 in)
3126 engine ........................................110.025 0.025 mm
(4.33 ± .0001 in)
3114 & 3116 Bore size must be checked with a
4C4377 Cylinder Head Stress Plate and 107-7574
Head Gasket installed. Refer to Installation of
7C6208 Cylinder Sleeve, Special Instruction
3126 Bore size must be checked with a 4C4377
Cylinder Head Stress Plate and 107-7574 Head
Gasket installed. Refer to Installation Of 107-7604
Cylinder Sleeve, Special Instruction SEHS9047.
Piston Cooling Jet
Piston Cooling Jet (Dual)
Check piston cooling jets by inserting a 1.3 mm (.05 in)
diameter drill rod into jet. Rods must pass through a 5.0 mm
(.20 in) diameter circle in location (A) and a 13.0 mm (0.51 in)
diameter circle in location (B). Both circles are located at
depth (G) 50.0 mm (1.97 in) below the top of the cylinder block.
Dimension (C)..........................................25.9 mm (1.02 in)
Dimension (D)..........................................33.4 mm (1.31 in)
Dimension (E) ..........................................26.9 mm (1.06 in)
Dimension (F) ............................................ 9.8 mm (0.39 in)
Dimension (G)............................................. 50 mm (1.97 in)
Piston Cooling Jet (Singe)
Check piston cooling jets by inserting a 1.90 mm (.075 in)
diameter drill rod into jet. Rods must pass through a 12.7 mm
(0.50 in) diameter circle in location (A). The circle is located at
depth (G) 50.0 mm (1.97 in) below the top of the cylinder block.
Dimension (C)..........................................25.9 mm (1.02 in)
Dimension (D)..........................................33.4 mm (1.31 in)
Dimension (G)............................................. 50 mm (1.97 in)
Seal Carrier