TM 5-3895-382-24
Seat Belt
Inspect for Wear or Damage
Always check condition of seat belt and mounting
hardware before operating machine. Replace any
damaged or worn parts.
Replace the seat belt after three years of usage,
regardless of appearance.
Seat belt and mounting hardware must be inspected for
wear or damage. Replace the belt or mounting
hardware if worn or damaged.
Engine Air Intake System
Check Service Indicator
Your engine may or may not be equipped with a different
indicator depending on your application.
Never service the air cleaner with the engine running
since this will allow dirt to enter the engine.
A service indicator is mounted on the air cleaner or in a
remote location. A colored piston showing in the window
indicates the need for servicing the air cleaner. Observe
the air cleaner service indicator. Clean or replace the air
cleaner when the green diaphragm enters the red zone
or the red piston locks in the visible position. If the air
cleaner indicator shows red at any time, clean the filter
element or install a new air cleaner element.
Maintenance Section
Every 10 Service Hours or Daily