TM 5-3895-379-23
0006 00
Table 7. Water Spray System Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.
Water Spray Pressure Is Low.
1. Clean and inspect water spray 1. If water spray check valve is
2. If water spray check valve is not
damaged, go to Step 2.
2. Check for pinched or damaged 1. If water line(s) is pinched or
water lines.
damaged, replace water line(s)
2. If water line(s) is not pinched or
damaged, go to Step 3.
3. Check for discharge of water 1. If 1 gallon or less of water is
spray pump of fullest tank.
collected, replace water spray
Remove four screws, washers and
cover from each bumper
assembly. Loosen two hose 2. If 1.0 to 1.5 gallons of water is
collected, remove plug cock,
clamps and disconnect input and
pressure gauge and line. Install
output water lines from water
input and output water lines on
spray pump. Attach a line from
water spray pump with two hose
input side of pump to a 5 gal.
clamps. Install cover on bumper
bucket full of clean water. Attach
assembly with four washers and
a line from output side of pump to
screws. Clean and inspect water
a pressure gauge and plug cock.
Open plug cock. With water spray
switch in continuous run position,
turn battery disconnect switch
and engine start switch to ON
position (TM 5-3895-379-10).
Close plug cock slowly until
pressure gauge reads 20 psi. Place
an empty five gallon bucket under
plug cock for 60 seconds.
Remove bucket from stream of
water. Turn engine start switch
and battery disconnect switch to
OFF position (TM 5-3895-379-
10). Measure amount of water
collected in bucket. Pump should
discharge 1.5 gallons in 60
seconds at 20 psi.