TM 5-3895-379-23
0006 00
Table 6. Vibratory System Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued.
Vibration Does Not Work In Forward or 5. Check for power at drum select 1. If 24 to 28 Vdc are not measured
switch. Touch positive (+) probe
at terminal 4 while drum select
Reverse Travel - Continued.
switch is pulled back to rear
C926-BU) and negative (-) probe
position, turn engine start switch
of multimeter to good ground
and battery disconnect switch to
while drum select switch is pulled
OFF position (TM 5-3895-379-
back to rear position to check rear
10). Replace drum select switch
vibratory circuit. Touch positive
(+) probe of multimeter to
terminal 6 (wire C927-PU) and 2. If 24 to 28 Vdc are not measured
at terminal 6 while drum select
negative (-) probe of multimeter
switch is pushed forward to front
to good ground while drum select
position, turn engine start switch
switch is pushed forward to front
position to check front vibratory
and battery disconnect switch to
circuit. Touch negative (-) probe
OFF position (TM 5-3895-379-
10). Replace drum select switch
positive (+) probe of multimeter
to terminal 6 (wire C927-PU) and
then to terminal 4 (wire C926- 3. If 24 to 28 Vdc are measured at
terminals 4 and 6 while drum
BU) while drum select switch is
select switch is in center position,
in center position to check
turn engine start switch and battery
vibratory circuit to both drums.
disconnect switch to OFF position
(TM 5-3895-379-10). Replace
4. If all voltage output checks at
drum select switch are OK, go to
Step 6.
0006 00-108