Lubrication System................................................................................
Lubricating Oil Pump.............................................................................
Lubricating Oil Pressure Regulator.......................................................
Lubricating Oil Cooler............................................................................
Oil Level Dipstick....................................................................................
Oil Pan.....................................................................................................
Ventilating System..................................................................................
Shop Notes - Specifications - Service Tools.........................................
The engine lubrication systems, illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2, include an oil intake screen and tube assembly, an oil pump,
an oil pressure regulator valve, a full flow oil filter with a by-pass valve, an oil cooler and oil cooler by-pass valve.
The rotor type oil pump is bolted to the back of the engine lower front cover and is driven directly by the crankshaft.
Lubricating oil from the pump passes from the lower front engine cover through short gallery passages in the cylinder
block. From the block, the oil flows to the full flow filter, then through the oil cooler and back into the front engine cover
and cylinder block oil galleries for distribution to the various engine bearings. The drain from the cylinder head and other
engine parts leads back to the oil pan.
Clean engine oil is assured at all times by the use of a replaceable element type full flow filter. With this type filter, which
is-installed between the oil pump and the oil cooler, all of the oil is filtered before entering the engine. Should the filter'
become plugged the oil will flow through a by-pass valve, which opens at approximately 18-21 psi, directly to the oil
On current engines, the oil cooler by-pass valve is located on the right-hand side of the engine front cover and the oil
pressure regulator valve is located on the left-hand side as viewed from the rear of the engine (Figs. 1 and 2). On former
engines, both valves were located on the right-hand side of the cover (Figs. 1 and 2).
If the cooler becomes plugged, the oil flow will be to a by-pass valve in the lower engine front cover and then to the
cylinder block oil galleries. The by-pass valve opens at approximately 52 psi in the current In-line engines. In the former
In-line engines, the by-pass valve opens at approximately 30 psi.
August, 1972 SEC. 4 Page 1