Lubrication System 4
Oil from the oil cooler on the In-line engine is directed to the lower engine front cover and then to a longitudinal main oil
gallery in the cylinder block. As shown in Fig. 1, this gallery distributes the oil, under pressure, to the main bearings and
to a horizontal transverse passage at one end of the block and to vertical passages at each corner of the block which
provide lubrication for the balance shaft and camshaft bearings. The camshaft bearings incorporate small slots through
which lubricating oil is directed to the cam follower rollers. In addition, oil is forced through an oil passage in each
camshaft which lubricates the camshaft intermediate bearings. All of the camshaft bearings incorporate small slots
through which lubricating oil is directed at the cam follower rollers.
August, 1972 SEC. 4 Page 3