lands and sides of the porting holes are equal. Tighten
a. Remove end play from centering spring
locknut (Ref. G), recheck the open areas and reinstall
mechanism with lockout (Ref. A) loose and holding the
the two 7/16 x 20 plugs.
centering spring housing (Ref. C), turn the spring
adjusting screw (Ref. B) until the screw is just touching
the centering spring washer; thus taking the free end
play out of the centering spring mechanism. This is best
done by exerting a light back and forth force on the
control valve spool (Ref. F) at the same time adjusting
a. Place Direction-Throttle Control Bail in neutral
screw is being turned down. Care must be taken not to
(vertical) position. Adjust control cable at pump so that
compress the centering spring (Ref. D) beyond its
jam nut on end of cable has full thread engagement and
installed height. Tighten the locknuts (Ref.A) and
no more. Tighten jam nut securely. Loosen jam, nut on
recheck the spool (Ref. F) for end play.
engine flywheel housing and adjust cable so that the
b. Adjust control valve spool for neutral position.
swivel on the servo pump control arm is centered in the
Remove the 7/16 x 20 straight thread o-ring plugs on
bracket. Tighten jam nut securely. Measure distance
either side of the control valve housing (Ref. I) to reveal
between swivel bracket and external cable end. These
the servo cylinder porting holes (Ref. H). Loosen locknut
must be a minimum of 13/32 in.(27.69 mm). Refer to
(Ref. G) and adjust the control valve by screwing the
figure 7-43.
centering spring housing (Ref. C) in or out so that the
open areas (shaded areas of Ref. J) between the spool