Fuel Injector 2.1.1
in each of the fuel cavities in the top of the injector
body (Fig. 35).
NOTE: Install a new filter in the inlet side
(located over the injector rack) in a fuel injector
with an offset body. No filter is required in the
outlet side of the offset body injector (Fig. 34).
2. Place a new gasket on each filter cap. Lubricate the
threads and install the filter caps. Tighten the filter
caps to 65-75 lb-ft torque with a 9/16 " deep socket
(Fig. 23).
3. Purge the filters after installation by directing
compressed air or fuel through the filter caps.
4. Install clean shipping caps on the filter caps to
prevent dirt from entering the injector.
Refer to Fig. 36 and note the drill spot marks on the
control rack and gear. Then proceed as follows:
1. Hold the injector body, bottom end up, and slide the
rack through the hole in the body. Look into the body
bore and move the rack until you can see the drill
marks. Hold the rack in this position.
2. Place the gear in the injector body so that the
marked tooth is engaged between the two marked
Fig. 42 - Checking Injector Spray Tip
teeth on the rack (Fig. 36).
3. Place the gear retainer on top of the gear.
4. Align the locating pin in the bushing with the slot in
the injector body, then slide the end of the bushing
Refer to Fig. 36 and assemble the parts as follows:
into place.
1. Support the injector body, bottom end up, in
injector holding fixture J 22396.
2. Place a new seal ring on the shoulder of the body.
Then place the spill deflector over the barrel of the
3. Place the check valve (without the .010 " hole)
centrally on the top of the bushing. Then place the
check valve cage over the check valve and against the
CAUTION: The former and new check valve and
check valve cage are not separately inter-
changeable in a former injector (Fig. 38).
4. Insert the spring seat in the valve spring, then insert
the assembly into the spring cage, spring seat first.
Fig. 41 - Installing Injector Follower Stop Pin
CAUTION: Install a new spring seat (Fig. 38) in
SEC. 2.1.1 Page 19
March, 1973