C a m s h a f t and Bearings 1.7.2
Fig. 8 Camshaft and Balance Shaft Details and Relative Location of Parts
6. Secure the thrust washers in place as shown in
Assemble and Install Camshaft and Balance
Fig. 2 and tighten the bolts to 30-35 lb-ft torque.
Refer to Fig. 8 and assemble the camshaft and
7. Install the front balance weights (Section 1.7).
balance shaft.
8. Attach the gear nut retainer plates (if used) to the
1. Install new end plugs in the camshaft. Press the
gears with bolts and lock washers and tighten the bolts
plugs in to a depth of 1.940" to 2.060".
2. Install the gears and thrust washers on their
respective shafts as outlined in Section 1.7.3.
9. Check the clearance between the thrust washer ,and
the gear on both shafts. The clearance should be
3. Lubricate the bearings and shafts with engine oil
,005" to 015 ". or a maximum of .019 with used
and slide the shaft assemblies into the cylinder block
being careful not to damage the bearings or the cams
and journals. Make sure that the appropriate timing
10. Check the backlash between the mating gears. The
marks on the gears are aligned. Refer to Gear Train
backlash should be .003" to .005" and should not
,and Engine Timing in Section 1.7.1.
exceed ,007" between used gears.
4. Slide an oil slinger on the front end of both shafts.
11. Install the flywheel housing and other parts or
assemblies that were removed from the engine as
5. Install the upper engine front cover, if used,
(Section 1.7.8).
outlined in their respective sections of this manual.
August. 1972
SEC. 1.7.2 Page 7