NOTE: Unit will not start unless in neutral
c. To change the travel direction, move the
g o v e r n o r - d i r e c t i o n control to the top of the
position due to the Neutral Start Safety
directional slot and select the other directional
CAUTION: DO NOT crank the engine for more
CAUTION: Always stop the machine before
than THIRTY SECONDS at any one
reversing direction.
time. If the engine fails to start, set
the IGNITION KEY to "off" and wait
d. Range selection is made by moving the
one (1) minute, allowing the starter
governor-direction control lever to neutral low
motor to cool.
idle position. Move the range selection lever in
a straight line from the forward position toward
c. If the engine fails to start after the third
the rear of the compactor.
a t t e m p t , check that the EMERGENCY STOP
CONTROL (Detroit only) has been manually
e. The transmission has the following
ranges, from front to rear: first gear, neutral,
b e e n reset properly, refer to Section 5 for
second gear, neutral and third gear.
troubleshooting procedures.
NOTE: Before operating the unit, allow the
CAUTION: Come to a complete stop before
engine to idle at 700 RPM for
changing speed range.
approximately two (2) minutes to allow
e n g i n e and hydraulic oil to begin to
reach operating temperatures.
CAUTION: Watch your engine speed downhill.
1 . The engine provides efficient braking
when run at or near top rpm in the operating
range - but remember, the governor has no
c o n t r o l over engine speed when it is being
pushed by a loaded vehicle. When you allow
e n g i n e speed to exceed the rated governed
s p e e d when descending a grade or down-
shifting at the high end of the operating range,
y o u are overspeeding the engine which can
result in serious damage. On grades, employ
v e h i c l e brakes and gears in combination to
keep vehicle speed under control and engine
RPM below rated governed RPM.
NOTE: For information on cold weather
s t a r t i n g for Detroit diesel engines,
a. Bring the unit to a stop by slowly moving
consult the engine manufacturers
the governor-direction control knob to low idle
service manual.
and neutral. Set the parking brake and shut off
the engine.
The diesel engine is shut Ott
a. With the engine running and the governor-
by putting the engine shut off knob out.
direction control in the neutral low idle
position, release the parking brake. Check the
NOTE: If the engine fails to stop, pull out the
choke on the gasoline engine to ensure it is
pushed in all the way.
(Detroit only) located on the instrument
panel. Reset the control by following
b. Slowly move the governor-direction con-
trol knob in the direction of desired travel. The
3-15. Troubleshoot the system before
further the knob is moved down the faster the
operating the unit again.
machine will travel. To brake, or slow the
machine, move the governor-direction control
b. Before leaving the unit, be sure the
knob up and apply brakes to obtain the desired
parking brake is set.
travel speed.