(6) Install and tighten the nut (1).
(7) Secure the nut with a new cotter pin.
f. Adjustment. Adjust the pinion so that the teeth of the pinioin and of the second countershaft gears are properly
meshing and alined. The teeth must make full contact with each other. See that the outer edges of all teeth are flush with
each other. Replace the pinion if its teeth are excessively worn, pitted, or broken.
Gear Shifting Linkage
a. General. The gear shifting arm (6) is connected with the gear shaft arm (1) by the gear shifting rod (5). When the
gear shifting
Gear shaft arm
5 Shifting rod
6 Gear shifting arm
Pins, headed (2 req'd)
7 Pins, cotter, 3/16 x 1 (2 req'd)
Nuts, jam, hex, 3/4-10NC (2 req'd)
Figure 62. Gear shifting linkage disassembled.
lever is moved, the gear shifting rod (5) activates the gear shifting arm (6) and shifts gears.
b. Removal.
(1) Remove the cotter pin (7) and pin (3) attaching the yoke (2) to the gear shaft arm (1).
(2) Disconnect the yoke (2) from the gear shaft arm (1).