(9) and runs on a large outboard bearing (5). The first countershaft pinion (3) is secured with a key, retainer washer (2),
and nut (1) on the first countershaft (8) and drives the second countershaft, which in turn drives the main spur drive gear
on the compression roll.
First Countershaft Pinion
a. General. The first countershaft pinion (3) is mounted on the first countershaft (8) and is secured with a key,
retainer washer (2), nut (1), and cotter pin. The oil seal (4) is mounted on the inner end of the pinion (3) and prevents the
entrance of dirt and dust into the outboard bearing (5) housing.
b. Removal.
(1) Remove the cotter pin and unscrew the nut (2). Discard the cotter pin.
(2) Remove the retainer washer (2).
(3) Use a suitable gear puller and pull the pinion (3) off the first countershaft (8).
(4) Remove the oil seal (4). Discard the oil seal. Always use a new oil seal when installing the pinion.
(5) Remove the key.
(6) Cover the outboard bearing (5) housing with a clean cloth to prevent the entrance of dirt, dust, and grit.
c. Inspection. Inspect all pinion teeth for broken off edges, pitting, breaks, and cracks. Check the pinion nut for
damaged or stripped threads. Inspect the key for wear, breaks, or rounded corners.
d. Cleaning. Wash all removed parts in cleaning solvent and wipe them dry with a soft absorbent cloth. Wipe off the
mounting surface on the first countershaft with a soft cloth soaked in cleaning solvent. Remove all imbedded dirt .and
foreign matter from the keyway.
e. Installation.
(1) Install the key on the first countershaft (8) and see that it is seated properly in the keyway.
(2) Install the oil seal (4) on the pinion (3). Make sure that the recessed lip of the seal is facing the outboard
bearing (5).
(3) Position the pinion (3) on the first countershaft (8) and see that the oil seal (4) is riding properly on the pinion
mounting surface. Apply a few drops of oil between the pinion and seal and make sure that the keyway in
the pinion and the key on the first countershaft are properly alined. Press the pinion on the first countershaft
being careful not to damage or pinch the oil seal (4).
(4) See that the teeth on the pinion and on the second countershaft gear are properly alined.
(5) Install the retainer washer (2).