Section I. GENERAL
a. These instructions are published for the information and guidance of the personnel to whom this road roller is
issued. They contain information on the operation and organizational maintenance of the road roller as well as a
description of the major units and their function in relation to other components of the materiel. They apply only to the
Roller, Road, Gasoline Driven, Tandem, 2 Axle, 5 to 8 Ton, Galion Model T5G, with Engine, Continental Model F-244.
b. Supply manuals, technical manuals, and other publications applicable to the equipment covered by this manual
and spare parts issued with and carried on or with the equipment.
Record and Report Forms
Maintenance record forms listed and briefly described in a through I below will be used in the maintenance of this
a. DD Form. 110, Vehicle and Equipment Operational Record. This form is used by equipment operators for
reporting the accomplishment of daily preventive maintenance services, and for reporting any equipment deficiencies
observed during operation.
b. Standard Form 91, Operator's Report of Motor-Vehicle Accident. One copy of this form is kept with the equipment
at all times In case of an accident resulting in injury or property damage, Form No. 91 is filled out immediately (or as
promptly thereafter as is practical) by the operator.
c. DA Form 464, Work Sheet for Preventive Maintenance and Technical Inspection of Engineer Equipment. This
form is used by personnel of the using organization and higher echelons for reporting the results of preventive
maintenance services and technical inspections.