d. DA Form 460, Preventive Maintenance Roster. This form is used for scheduling preventive maintenance services
at proper intervals. Refer to TM 5-505.
e. DA Form 478, Organizational Equipment File. Major repairs or rebuilding, replacement of major unit assemblies,
and accomplishment of equipment modifications are recorded on this form.
f. DA Form 468, Unsatisfactory Equipment Report. This form is used for reporting manufacturing, design, or
operational defects in the materiel, with a view to correcting such defects; it is also used for recommending modifications
of the materiel. Form No. 468 is not used for reporting failures, isolated materiel defects, or malfunctions of materiel
resulting from fair wear and tear or accidental damage. Form No. 468 is not used to report issue of parts and equipment,
or for reporting replacements and/or repairs.
g. DD Form 6, Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment. This form is used for reporting damages incurred in
h. DA Form 9-81, Exchange Part or Unit Identification Tag. This form is used to accomplish the direct exchange of
unserviceable for serviceable parts.
i. DA Form 811, Work Request and Job Order. This form is used to request work done by higher echelon
j. DA Form 867, Statue of Modification Work Order. This form is used to maintain records of all modification work
performed on equipment.
k. DA Form 5-13, Spot Check Inspection Report of Organizational Maintenance of Engineer Equipment.
Organizations having engineer field maintenance responsibility use this form for reporting the results of semiannual spot-
check inspections.
l. DA Form 5-14, Annual Technical Inspection Report of Engineer Equipment. Organizations having engineer field
maintenance responsibility use this form for reporting the results of annual technical inspections.
a. General. The Galion road roller Model T5G is a 5-8 ton variable-weight tandem roller, complete with all controls,
switches, and indicators necessary for normal road rolling operations. The compression roll (12, fig. 1) and the steering
roll (15) can be filled with water ballast to change the compression factor for any rolling job. The engine and transmission
are accessible through hinged side doors (14). All operating controls and gages are contained on the operator's platform.
Reference to "right" and "left" refer to a view of the roller from the operator's seat (8) facing the compression roll (12).