1. Accessory Equipment
TM 9-1826C Carburetors (Zenith).
TM 9-8627 Electrical Equipment (Delco-Remy).
2. Dictionaries of Terms and Abbreviations
SR 320-5-1 Dictionary of United States Army Terms.
SR 320-50-1 Authorized Abbreviations.
3. Lubrication and Painting
LO 5-1185 Lubrication Order.
TM 9-2851 Painting Instructions for Field Use.
4. Preparation for Export Shipment
TB 5-9711-1 Preparation of Corps of Engineers Equipment for
Overseas Shipment.
TB 5-9713-1 Preparation for Export, Spare Parts for Corps of
Engineers Equipment.
5. Preventive Maintenance
TB 5-505 Maintenance of Engineer Equipment.
6. Publications Indexes
Special Regulations in the 310-20 series, and DA Pam 108-1, should be consulted frequently for latest changes or
revisions of references given in this appendix and for new publications relating to the equipment covered in this manual.
7. Training Aids
FM 21-8 Military Training Aids.